Lab welcomes new rotation student Xinlin Zeng.

Xinlin is a first-year PhD student in the MCGD track of Yale BBS program. She was born in Sichuan, China and earned her bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences at Nankai University in China. During her undergraduate study, she worked as a student intern in Columbia University and University of California, San Diego for one year, where she focused on developing high-throughput in vivo CRISPR screen platform to identify key regulators of spinocerebellar ataxia diseases. By doing rotation in Wang lab, she hopes to combine cutting-edge chromatin tracing and spatial transcriptomic technologies with CRISPR screen to gain more insights of 3D genome architecture and transcription regulation in cancer. In her spare time, she likes to read books, sing, dance and eating spicy food. Welcome, Xinlin!

Lab welcomes new rotation student Samuel Ovadia.

Samuel is a PhD student in the Department of Immunobiology. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Life Science from University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC, Paris, France), and his Master’s degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology (Major Immunology) from UPMC and Pasteur Institute (Paris, France). Samuel completed his master’s thesis at Imagine Institute (Paris, France) where he studied the genetic basis of primary immune deficiencies. He also worked as a postgraduate in the Department of Immunobiology at Yale University, where he focused on characterizing the functional diversity of circulating neutrophils via a behavioral approach. By interacting with the Wang lab, Samuel aims to further his knowledge about the biology and dynamics of chromatin compaction and its functional impact on immune cells. During his spare time, he likes to satisfy his scientific curiosity by reading different kinds of textbooks and essays from experts in the fields. He also likes to paint, and to do photography. Welcome, Samuel!

New preprint led by Miao, Tiffani, and Sherry posted.

Glad to share our new preprint reporting the first single-cell 3D genome atlas of any cancer! (link)

In this work, we report the first application of image-based, real-3D genomics to study cancer and identify an unexpected 3D genome bottleneck during subclonal tumor evolution in the native tissue microenvironment. We further define key regulator and effector genes upstream and downstream of substantial 3D genome reorganization that accompanies histologic progression of lung adenocarcinoma. We expect that applying this approach broadly will have an enormous impact on understanding the epigenetic basis of cancer in situ and will lead to the development of novel diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic biomarkers based on the 3D genome.

Miao successfully defended her PhD!

Congratulations to our lab’s very first PhD student Miao (middle) on her successful PhD thesis defense today! Miao is the mother of MINA technology, the first person to ever do chromatin tracing in mammalian tissue, the first author of 4 published papers during PhD + 1 more in preparation. Her works were the backbones of 4 NIH grants awarded to Yale totaling over $7 million, for which she generated ALL the preliminary data in the applications. Such awe-inspiring productivity in one’s early career is truly rare. Such immense talent, devotion, and resilience. Truly well deserved title, Dr. Liu!

Tyler wins NIH F30 award; Miao receives invitation to talk at Gordon Research Seminar; Ruihuan gets PhD offers from 3 top schools.

Several pieces of great news today:

First congratulations to Tyler on winning an NIH F30 award! This is the very first NIH graduate fellowship we have in our lab. Quite a milestone.

Second, congratulations to Miao who received an invitation to speak at the Gordon Research Seminar “Genome Architecture in Cell Fate and Disease” on June 11th, 2023. This is a very selective seminar and there will only be about 10 talks. Miao’s will be one of them.

Third, Ruihuan has received PhD offers from all three schools she interviewed at: Columbia University, Cornell University, and Washington University in St. Louis. Will be fun to choose among these top schools in biology and medicine.

Congrats to you all, Tyler, Miao and Ruihuan!


Ruihuan receives PhD offer from Columbia University!

Congratulations to our postgraduate research fellow Ruihuan Yu who just received a PhD offer from Columbia University Department of Biological Sciences! Ruihuan is a truly exceptional trainee and this is a well deserved offer. Columbia is lucky to have you, Ruihuan. Big Congrats!