NELS 55@Yale
The 55th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 55) will be hosted by Yale University from October 17th–18th, 2024.
Invited Speakers:
Vicki Carstens (University of Connecticut)
Hannah Sande (University of California, Berkeley)
Shane Steinert-Threlkeld (University of Washington)
Coppe van Urk (Queen Mary University of London)
Poster designed by Guilherme Medeiros Costa Pereira (Yale undergraduate student, linguistics major).
NELS 55 is organized by Jim Wood, Bob Frank, Raffaella Zanuttini, Ka Fai Yip, Squid Tamar-Mattis, Alessandra Pintado-Urbanc, Catarina Soares, Isabella Senturia, Comfort Ahenkorah, Herbert Zhou, Manasvi Chaturvedi, Richard Luo, Vivian Guo Li, and Yuyang Liu. You can reach out to the organizers at
Proceedings of NELS 55 will be published by the University of Massachusetts GLSA, as always. The graduate students at GLSA will be in touch separately with instructions on how to submit. Questions about the proceedings should be directed to the GLSA at