- Poster boards are 36in by 48in (91cm by 122cm) and can be displayed in landscape or portrait — Any poster that fits this is fine.
- We’ve assigned a number to each poster (see program), and we will pin the number to the board that your poster is designated.
- Clips will be provided for you to attach your poster to the poster board.
- Poster sessions A and B will be held at the Omni hotel (6-minute walk from the main conference site) on Thursday (Oct 17), 6-7 pm and 7-8 pm respectively.
- If you’re presenting a poster during sessions A or B, please set up your poster at 5:30 pm. Our volunteers will be there to assist you.
- If you’d like your posters (or other materials) to be made available on the NELS website, please send them to no later than October 16 (Wednesday), 2024. Please name the files as “nels55_poster_lastname”.
- Talks are 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions.
- You may use handouts or slides.
- For handouts, please make at least 70-80 copies.
- For slides, please bring your own laptop. We will provide a USBC-to-HDMI adaptor. Otherwise, please bring your own adaptor for HDMI or VGA.
If you’d like your handouts and/or slides to be made available on the NELS website, please send them to no later than October 16 (Wednesday), 2024. Please name the files as “nels55_slides_lastname” (slides) or “nels55_handout_lastname” (handout).
Please contact the organizers at for further questions and concerns.