by Ally Findley Plot The “Lotus Eaters” episode is the fifth episode in Ulysses, and one of the shortest chapters in the novel. In this episode, Bloom begins wandering through Dublin, on his way to Paddy Dignam’s funeral. It is a hot summer day, and the humidity perpetuates a mood of sluggishness. Bloom, in his… Continue Reading “The Lotus Eaters”
Tag: James Joyce
“I Hear an Army”
by Anthony Domestico James Joyce, while primarily known for his fiction, was also a published poet whose verse garnered attention (and occasionally praise) from W.B. Yeats, Ezra Pound, and other arbiters of poetic taste in the early twentieth century. Joyce’s poetry is at times plangent, even self-indulgent, the precious tinkling of sound without the naturalism… Continue Reading “I Hear an Army”
Pomes Penyeach
by Anthony Domestico The 1932 Obelisk Press edition of Pomes Penyeach came at a crucial juncture in James Joyce’s writing career and in the life and mental health of his daughter, Lucia. At the time, Joyce was internationally renowned for Ulysses and laboring over his Work in Progress; meanwhile, Lucia was descending into the nightmare… Continue Reading Pomes Penyeach
The Joyce Book
By Lauren Holmes Published in 1933 by the Oxford University Press, The Joyce Book contains settings of the thirteen poems of James Joyce’s Pomes Penyeach by thirteen different composers, as well as a sketch of the writer by Augustus John, an editor’s note by Herbert Hughes, a prologue by James Stephen, an essay titled “James… Continue Reading The Joyce Book
Vor Sonnenaufgang
A Portrait of the Artist as a Translator. On James Joyce’s translation of Gerhart Hauptmann’s Vor Sonnenaufgang. By Eike Kronshage Gerhart Hauptmann’s Vor Sonnenaufgang The German dramatist Gerhart Hauptmann (1862-1946) wrote his first drama Vor Sonnenaufgang at the age of 27. Hauptmann, though living in the small town of Erkner, a couple of miles southeast… Continue Reading Vor Sonnenaufgang
Finnegans Wake
by Pericles Lewis Throughout the 1930s, James Joyce published excerpts of Finnegans Wake, which combined the anarchic energies of the avant-garde with the epic ambitions of high modernism. The Wake tells of a mythical world, bearing some resemblance to the Dublin of Ulysses, but dreamed of by a sleeping, drunken man, possibly a giant, possibly… Continue Reading Finnegans Wake
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Like T.S. Eliot’s “Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,” James Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916), though a work of youth, seems prematurely aged. Joyce treats his fictional version of his younger self with a mixture of irony and sympathy. The novel tells the story of Stephen Dedalus, a young Irishman,… Continue Reading A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Woolf’s Reading of Joyce’s Ulysses, 1922-1941
by James Heffernan, Dartmouth College This page is a continuation of Woolf’s Reading of Joyce’s Ulysses, 1918-1920 In February of 1922, just after James Joyce‘s Ulysses appeared, Virginia Woolf wrote to her sister Vanessa, who was then in Paris: “for Gods sake make friends with Joyce. I particularly want to know what he’s like.”[1] So… Continue Reading Woolf’s Reading of Joyce’s Ulysses, 1922-1941
Woolf’s Reading of James Joyce’s Ulysses, 1918-1920
by James Heffernan, Dartmouth College More than twenty years ago, Suzette Henke challenged what was then the reigning view of Virginia Woolf’s response to James Joyce’s Ulysses. To judge this response by Woolf’s most damning comments on the book and its author, Henke argued, is to overlook what she said about it in her reading… Continue Reading Woolf’s Reading of James Joyce’s Ulysses, 1918-1920
“James Joyce’s Method —Regarding the ‘Stream of Consciousness’ “
by Michael Chan James Joyce’s Method—Regarding the “Stream of Consciousness” (Jeimuzu Joisu no metōdo “ishiki no nagare” ni tsuite) is an article published in June 1930 in the journal Shi, genjitsu by the author and literary critic Itō Sei (1905-1969), who was also one of a team of three Japanese translators that prepared the first… Continue Reading “James Joyce’s Method —Regarding the ‘Stream of Consciousness’ “