New Preservation Department Site

The Preservation Department at Yale University Library has finished migrating its old pages to the new YaleSites Drupal site.

With this migration it will be easier to maintain the existing content, and to add new content.  In fact, this process is already in progress.

I would like to thank Bobbie Pilette, Murray Harrison and Meng Tang who did the yeoman’s share of the work migrating and redirecting these pages.

Sitemap hits 500+

Back in October, our new Drupal site hit a milestone of 100 URLs on the sitemap.  It is 5 months later, and we now have 5 times as many URLs.

Some of this is because of the migration to the new Manuscripts & Archives site.

Much more of this is thanks to the Herculean efforts of the cataloging department.  About a dozen people have dedicated part of their time to planning, and training, and migrating more than 200 pages of content.  Their work isn’t done yet.  So, stay tuned for the big reveal.

Numerous other sections were expanded, and the new Library Information Technology pages finally pushed the number over 500.

For those of you who like to look at things like this, you can see the sitemap at

Keep watching this space.  Who knows where we will be in another 5 months?


New Manuscripts & Archives Site

After almost a year of planning, and a lot of work by the Manuscripts & Archives (MSSA) staff, their new site is live at

This would not have been possible without the diligent work of Andrew Berger, who met with me regularly and kept the project on track.  With minimal guidance on my part, he was able to re-organize the site’s architecture, consolidate a lot of redundant information, and migrate over a hundred pages of content.

Andrew was helped by many staff members at MSSA, including Bill Landis, Steve Ross, Kevin Glick, Mike, Bill Massa, and others.  I would like to thank everyone who worked on this, and congratulate them on their new site.

EliScholar is Live

Actually, it’s been live for months…

EliScholar is a new digital repository for scholarly publishing at Yale.  It has been live for quite some time, but we had held off on announcing it until it had built up a critical mass of content.

Michael Dula presented about EliScholar during the New Directions for Digital Scholarship event last month, and the website address was immediately put up on Twitter.  Therefore, we decided to let the cat out of the bag and there is now a link to the new service on the Yale University Library home page.

What can you do with EliScholar?

  • Upload an archive of the publications of your Yale-affiliated organization.
  • Manage the editorial process of an ongoing publication.
  • Create pages for a conference, and then permanently store the materials created for the event.
  • Create a personal “Selected Works” page, including publications outside of EliScholar.

Visit EliScholar or contact the administrators at

The October 16th Mystery

One of my favorite parts of Google Analytics is the Intelligence Events.  This tool noticed more than the usual number of anomalies on October 16th.

Screen Shot of Intelligence Events report for October 16th

Initially, I couldn’t figure out what was causing this traffic.  Yale had recently had some big national news: two Nobel prizes, and the inauguration of a new president.  But, neither event had happened on the 16th.  I checked calendar events and other news stories, but nothing came up.

After looking at other reports, I discovered that most of the spike could be explained by an increase in traffic to the Sterling Memorial Library building page.  Now I knew what, but I still didn’t know why.

Finally, I remembered that the Sterling Memorial Library nave had recently been featured as the background image on the main landing page of  I checked, and sure enough, that had happened on the 16th.

Mystery solved.

Sitemap hits 100+

The sitemap file for the Drupal part of the library website recently hit a milestone of more than 100 items.

This is a lot more than 100 “pages”, since almost all of these URLs are composed of many different entities, like rotating images, news items, workshops, user profiles, menus, taxonomies, views, and much more.  There are also quite a few published URLs that are not in the sitemap, like webforms, because it isn’t that useful to have Google indexing them.

For those of you who like to look at things like this, you can see the sitemap at

Keep watching this space, there is a lot more content in the works and we should hit the next big milestone soon.