The Voyager User Group and Library IT, are planning to move Yale University Library to Voyager 10.0 in December 2017. The software vendor, Ex Libris, released Voyager 10 this past May. Ex Libris will still assist us with system outages, bugs, and other issues as they arise. To ensure the upgrade will be as seamless as possible, the upgrade is targeted to happen during the Winter Recess. The goal is to have everyone upgraded to Voyager 10 within a day of returning to work in 2018.
Numerous enhancements and bugfixes were applied between Voyager 8.1.1 and Voyager 10. To meet the timeline and be confident work can continue uninterrupted, only existing workflows will be tested. Though some long-awaited improvements will be noticeable, for example — resizing some dialog box windows and seeing more information in cataloging hierarchy records — new workflow enhancements will have to be addressed after the upgrade. If you are interested in learning about enhancements, you can read the detailed release notes.
The Voyager Upgrade project has a website and it is open to the Library community, see The site is updated regularly, so please check in often for updates. You can also subscribe to get these updates in your inbox. The project site also has an open discussion page. Feel free to ask questions of the project team or the community at large. If you see a workflow that’s missing from the testing workbooks please let us know on the discussion page.
The full list of participants is on the project’s participant list, which is updated regularly.
The testing group leads are:
- Diane Napert (Acquisitions)
- Patricia Thurston (Cataloging)
- Cindy Greenspun (Circulation)
- Steve Wieda (OPAC)
Please feel free to reach out via email directly to Patricia Thurston, Voyager User Group Chair, at or Steelsen Smith, Project Manager for Upgrade, at with any comments, questions, or concerns.