Lecture: Invited Speaker for the Second Annual Rutgers Critical Theory, Comparative Literature, Rutgers University.
Lecture: China Humanities Seminar, Harvard University. Topic TBA
Topic TBA
Co-organizing and speaking at international conference, “Sinophone Studies: New Directions,” Harvard University.
Lecture: Harvard’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies, Harvard University
Two-week seminar: “Multi-Scale Literary Studies,” Institute for World Literature (Harvard University), Harvard University.
My upcoming book, The Kingdom of Characters: Language Wars and China’s Rise to Global Superpower, is under advance contract with Riverhead at Penguin Random House.
News report: “In Conversation: 2016 Guggenheim Fellow Jing Tsu on researching 400 years of the Chinese script,” Yale News
News: “EALC Affiliates Named 2016 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellows,” Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University
Video: Conversation with Pulitzer Prize Winner Viet Thanh Nguyen on his novel, The Sympathizer, at Yale event, “The Memory of War”
News: “Six Former Fellows Win Guggenheim Fellowships,” Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University
News report: “Chinese Among Winners of New Guggenheim Fellowship,” China Daily
News report: “Three Yale professors named Guggenheim Fellows for their achievements and promise,” Yale News
Public Dialogue with Maxine Hong Kingston, Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University
Colloquium: “The Strength of Weak Links in the Sinophone System,” Comparative Literature, Penn State University
Distinguished Lecture Series: “Westernization without the West, Romanization without Rome,” Emory University
News report: “Tan Lark Sye Foundation Lecture Series: Jing Tsu on “How Sinophone Studes Bent the Mother Tongue” (“陈六使中华语言文化教授基金公开演讲系列:石静远谈华语语系研究及其对母语观念的重塑”), Lianhe Zaobao
News report: “Exclusive Interview with Professor Jing Tsu on Sinophone Studies” (“石静远教授专访:异军突起的华语语系研究”), Lianhe Zaobao
Public Lecture: Tan Lark Sye Professorship Series I: “Chinese Script in the Alphabetic Age,” Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
Public Lecture: Tan Lark Sye Professorship Series II: “How Sinophone Studies Bent the Mother Tongue” (“华语语系研究及其对母语观念的重塑”), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Keynote Address: “Native Speakers without Mother Tongues,” The 9th International Conference on Korean Language, Literature, and Culture: “The Dilemma of Colonial Language Reform Movements in East Asia,” Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Lecture: “Alphabetism in Chinese,” International Conference on “Asia and Europe in Translation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives,” University of Zurich, Switzerland
Lecture: “China’s Alphabetization without the Alphabet,” workshop on “Revisiting Modern China,” The Hoover Institution, Stanford University
My co-edited volume, Science and Technology in Modern China, 1880s-1940s, is appearing this spring.
I am a Member of the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University.
News report: “Interview with Professor Jing Tsu by Xinhua News Agency (Singapore): “Yale Scholar Jing Tsu: On the Continuation and Deepening of China’s Soft Power” (“耶鲁学者石静远:中国软实力走出去重在持续和深刻”), Xinhua News
Keynote Address: “The Strength of Weak Links in the Sinophone System,” conference on “New Horizons in Chinese Diasporic Studies,” Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Lecture, “‘New Area Studies’ and Comparative Literature,” Tsinghua University, Beijing
Lecture: “Crafting Mental Powers in Modern China,” Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
Lecture: “The Chinese Card Catalogue,” Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton University
Lecture: “The Chinese Script Revolution,” Yale University Women’s Organization
Co-organizing (with Ronit Ricci) a 4-day SSRC workshop on “The Sounds and Scripts of Languages in Motion,” international conference on “Inter-Asian Connections IV,” Istanbul
Lecture: “The Alphabetic Mind in Chinese: II,” Google Headquarters, Mountain View
Lecture: “Realism, Hot and Cold,” Comparative Literature, Stanford University
Organizing and presenting at a Special Event & Film Screening: “Reform, Revolution, and Chinese Modernity,” Round-Table Discussion (with Jonathan Spence, Peter Perdue), Yale University
Organizing a Special Event: “Literature, Society, and Memory: Conversation with Mainland Chinese Writer Yan Lianke,” Yale University
Plenary Address: “The Informant Turn: Native Speakers and Area Studies,” 15th Annual Harvard East Asia Society Conference, Harvard University
Lecture: “The Alphabetic Mind in Chinese,” The Institute for Chinese Studies, Oxford University
Lecture: “Unthinking Area Studies,” School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Distinguished Visitor’s Lecture, “‘New Area Studies’: Some Preliminary Theses,” Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Talk: “China, Africa, and Anticipating the Global South in the Twentieth Century,” Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York
Talk: “The Coming Global South: China and Africa, 1900s-1960s,” workshop on “China-Africa Diasporas,” Dar Es Salaam
Lecture: “The Alphabetic Mind in Chinese,” University of Heidelberg
Lecture: “Turning Chinese into Alphabet: Typewriter, Machine Translation, and Google Translate,” University of Frankfurt
Talk: “Area, Scale, and Method,” American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Brown University
Talk: “China, Africa, and Anticipating the Global South in the Twentieth Century,”
Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York
Co-organizing a 3-day seminar on “The Theoretical Possibilities of Large-Scale Literary Studies,” American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Brown University
Lecture: “Weak Links, Big Processes, and Questions of Modern Chinese Literatures,” Center for East Asian Studies, Stanford University
Lecture: “The Informant Turn, Area Studies, and Literary Governance,” UC Santa Barbara
Lecture: “Area, Literature, and Method,” Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley
Book Event: Sound and Script in Chinese Diaspora, Center for East Asian Studies, Stanford University
I am a Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study for the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, for the academic year.
Keynote Address: “Whither Taiwan Literature in a Global Context?” National Taiwan University and the National Museum of Taiwan Literature, Taipei
Lecture: “Modern Chinese Literature, Area Studies, and Comparative Literature,” Comparative Modernisms Workshop, Northwestern University
Lecture: “Coolies International: Slavery, Migration, and Globalization,” Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Talk: “Chinese Islamic Writings and World Space,” Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Doha, Qatar
Recipient of New Directions Fellowship from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for a project on the history of science and technology in China.
Lecture: “Global Chinese Literature in Minor Keys,” Harvard University
Lecture: “Literary Governance and Global Chinese Literature,” Ash Institute Democracy Seminar Series, The Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University
Lecture: “Humanism as Self-Help,” conference on “Humanism International,” Harvard University
Lecture: “The 1911 Revolution and the Overseas Chinese at Large,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Honolulu
Lecture: “The Literary Triangle of Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong,” University of California, San Diego
Lecture: “Sinography and Chinese Literature Beyond China,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia
Lecture: “The Governance of Sound and Script in Sinophone Literature,” Open Forum Event, Department of Comparative Literature, Yale University
Co-organizing (with Benjamin A. Elman) and presenting at conference, “Routes of Science and Culture in China, 1860s-1930s,” Yale University
Talk: “雙語中的私語: 張愛玲的英語文學遺產” (Bilingual Whispers: Eileen Chang’s English-Language Legacy), conference on “Hong Kong: Urban Imagination and Cultural Memory,” Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
Organizing a panel on “The Intraregional Imperative: East Asian Literatures, Linguistic Allegiances, and Colonial Reevaluations,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Philadelphia
Organizing a 3-day seminar on “Languages on the Move,” American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans
Talk: “Scientism and Humanism in Modern Chinese Literature,” Asakawa Fellow lecture, Waseda University
Lecture: “Mechanized Writing, Global Chinese,” Hong Kong Museum Society Annual Lecture, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
Lecture: “Modern Chinese Literature and Sinophone Studies,” Seoul National University
Talk: “Goethe’s Chinese Novel,” conference on “Global Asias,” Penn State University
Talk: “The Republic as Colony: The 1895 Formosan Experiment,” conference on “Culture, Conflict, and Mediation,” jointly sponsored by Yale, Tsinghua, and Cambridge Universities
News report: On my project on the Chinese typewriter, “History of a ‘Scribal Machine,” Harvard Gazette
Public Lecture: “Lin Yutang’s Typewriter, Translation, and Basic English,” Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University
Talk: “Geography, Piracy, and Access Points: China and Southeast Asia,” conference on “Circuit of Cultural Entrepreneurship in China and Southeast Asia,” Columbia University
Talk: “The Furthest Point: Translating the World from Afar,” panel on “Comparative World Literature” (organized by David Damrosch, Columbia University), American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Harvard University
I am a Fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, for the academic year.
Co-organizing (with David Der-wei Wang) and presenting at conference, “Globalizing Modern Chinese Literature: Sinophone and Diasporic Writings,” Yale University
Talk: ”Turncoats, Global Languages, and Native Speakers,” conference on “Loyalism and Betrayal in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture,” Harvard University
Talk: ”Dili yu Zhongguo jindai wenxue 地理与中國近代文學” (Geography and Early Modern Chinese Literature), Harvard-Yenching Institute Symposium, Harvard University
Lecture: “The Script of Chineseness: Issues in Sinophone Literature,” Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Lecture: “Rethinking Modern Chinese Literature: World or Postnational?” Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore
Lecture: “A Leaf, A Twig, or National Literature?” Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University
Lecture: “Sound and Script in Modern Chinese Literature,” Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Purdue University
Lecture: “The Missing Ear in Taiwan Literature,” Center for Chinese Studies, UCLA
Talk: “Questions of Canon and Nationality in Modern Chinese Literary Studies,” International Symposium on Modern Chinese Literature, Fudan University, Shanghai
Talk: “Bilingual Loyalty: Zhang Ailing, Ha Jin, and the Failure to Address,” conference on “Translating China, Translating Modernism,” Cambridge University, England
I am participating in a conversation about current trends in studies of modernism and modernity with Jeffrey Schnapp and Victoria Rosner, Departments of English and Comparative Literature, Yale University
Endowed Lecture: “Make It Pretty: Lu Xun, Ernst Haeckel, and the ‘Human Sprout,’” Furman College
Lecture: “Fiction from the Petri Dish: Translating Life in Germany, East Asia, and America” Science, Technology, and Utopian Visions Working Group, Whitney Humanities Center, Yale University
Talk: “Look-Alikes, Birthmarks, and Disowned Relations,” American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Puebla, Mexico
Talk: “Make It Pretty: Lu Xun, Ernst Haeckel, and the ‘Human Sprout,’” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Boston
Talk: “Yige renya de gushi: Zhuishu xiandai Zhongguo renwen zhuyi yu kexue zhuyi 一個人芽的故事:追述現代中國人文主義與科学主義” (The Story of the Human Sprout: Humanism and Scientism in Modern China Revisited), Yazhou xin renwen lianwang xueshu yantaohui (The Asian New Humanities Net conference), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong and Macau
Talk: “Wenhua yichan, wenzi yichan 文化遺產, 文字遺產” (Inheriting Culture, Inheriting Script), Harvard-Yenching Institute Symposium, Harvard University
Talk: “In and Out of Cultural China: Diaspora, Extinction, and Nationalism,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, San Francisco
Talk: “Revolving and Evolving: Human, Humanism, and Revolution in China,” American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting, Princeton University
Talk: “Trafficking Sinophone Literature: Malaysia, Taiwan, and Chinese America,” Association for Asian American Studies Annual Meeting, Atlanta
Lecture: “Xinshu de moli: Cuimianshu zai wanqing yu minguo shiqi zhong dui wenhua yu xiaoshuo de youhuo 心術的魔力: 催眠術在晚清與民國時期中對文化與小說的誘惑” (Enchantments of the Mind: The power of mesmerism in late Qing and Republican fiction and culture), Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Lecture: “Dian: Shenti de jiechu yu yasu zhi jian de chacuo 電: 身體的接触與雅俗之間的差錯” (Electricity: Contiguous Bodies and Cultural Incommensurabilities), conference on “Europeanness and Chineseness in East Asian Perspective,” Centre for the Study of East Asian Civilizations, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Lecture: “A Different Science: Electric Bodies and Credulity in Early Twentieth Century China,” Modern China Seminar, Columbia University
Lecture: “Failure, Dogs, and Chinese Not Allowed: Colonial Injury and Literature,” Department of Comparative Literature, Cornell University
Talk: “Extinction, Diaspora, and the Artifice of Remembrance,” conference on “Evolving Cultural Memory in China and Southeast Asia,” National University of Singapore, Singapore
Talk: “Jiamao shangbiao: ‘Fanyi’ yu tongsu wenhua zhi zhuanyixing 假冒商標:‘翻譯’ 與通俗文化之轉移性” (Counterfeit: “Translations” and the Displacements of Popular Culture), conference on “Chinese Literature: Conversations between Tradition and Modernity,” Nanjing University, China
Talk: “Assassins and Inventors: Female Heroism and Fantasies of Technology in The Stone of Goddess Nüwa and Female Jail Flower,” conference on “Beyond Tradition and Modernity: Gender, Genre, and the Negotiation of Knowledge in Late Qing China,” Rice University
Endowed Lecture: “Beauty and Degeneration: Visions of the Chinese Character,” Wu Foundation Lecture, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Yale University
Lecture: “Diasporic Frontiers, Literature in Transit, and Chinese Nationalism,” Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Lecture: “Failure and Cultural Resilience: National Rejuvenation in Late Qing and Republican China,” Department of African and Asian Languages & Literatures, Duke University
Lecture: “The Allegiance to Failure: Race and Literature in Late Qing and Republican China,” Department of East Asian Studies, New York University
Lecture: “The Excess of Success: The Infelicities of Being Chinese,” Department of East Asian Studies, Rutgers University
Lecture: “Perils of Race: Nationalism and Literature in China, 1895-1937,” Institute of East Asian Studies, UC Berkeley
Lecture: “The Appeal of Failure: Nation and Literature in the Late Qing and Republican Periods,” Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Indiana University
Lecture: “Cultural Allegiances: Sinophone Literature and Nationalism,” Department of Comparative Literature, Harvard University
Talk: “Infectious Identities: Visuality and Epidemics in Hong Kong, Taiwanese, and Mainland Chinese Cinema,” conference on “Chinese Cosmopolitanism,” Harvard University
- Publications
- Research