While Hurricane Sandy hit the area hard on Monday and Tuesday, the job site was open and work continued on the Imaging Lab. Durock was removed in Studio 1. Plywood and sheetrock were installed on the easel wall in Studio 2. Plywood blocking was put in place in preparation for the mounted arms that will hold display screens. Floor leveling compound was poured to level out the uneven floors in Studio 3 and Project room 4.

The durock layer in Studio 1 has been removed so that the plane of the wall is even. The cove wall can now be installed and the wall will be given a new layer of sheetrock.

This is a closeup of the layers of durock. Durock, also known as cement board, is a mixture of crushed stone/gravel and Portland cement (the most common cement) poured between 2 pieces of polymer coated fiberglass mesh. It is very similar to sheetrock but is heavier due to the fact that it has cement in the middle instead of gypsum.

All of the previous doors and windows in the hallway that lead to the rooms that would be the Imaging Lab were sealed with sheetrock and taped.

The west wall of Studio 2 has two different planes. The top have of the wall was indented about an inch so strips of plywood were screwed to the wall to make the wall the same thickness as the lower half. The entire wall was then covered with plywood. This plywood will eventually be covered with sheetrock. In the future, large paintings will be hung from this wall and photographed. The plywood will help anchor the screws that will hold up the paintings.

Now that the easel wall in Studio 2 is covered in plywood, it gets a layer of sheetrock that will be painted white which will be used as a background when photographing objects on the easel.