Venue: Sterling Memorial Library, Memorabilia Room

Friday, Nov. 6th
 1:30 Welcoming remarks by Tamar Gendler, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Session 1: Syntax and Pragmatics
 1:45 Donka Farkas, University of California at Santa Cruz
From sentence forms to conventions of use via Horn’s pragmatic division of labor
  2:30 Betty Birner, Northern Illinois University
Allo there! Pragmatics, inversion, and the type/token distinction.
 3:15 Coffee break
  Session 2: Reference
 3:30 Gregory Ward, Northwestern University
Fearing that first question by Larry: Demonstratives licensed by familiar event-types
 4:15 Barbara Abbott, Michigan State University
Definiteness and familiarity
 5:00 David Beaver, University of Texas at Austin
Horn scales back uniqueness!
  Evening session
 5:45 Drinks
 6:30 Barbara Partee, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
An ever-so-brief history of semantics, pragmatics, and Larry
 7:30 Dinner
  Saturday, November 7th
 9:00   Breakfast
  Session 3: Neg-raising and Grammatical Theory
 9:30   Anastasia Giannakidou, University of Chicago
Assertoric Inertia and NPI-rescuing as veridicality conflict: A fresh look at NPI-licensing with emotive verbs
 10:15 Pauline Jacobson, Brown University
What ellipsis might tell us about ‘Neg Raising’ (and vice-versa)
 11:00 Coffee Break
 11:15 Jerry Sadock, University of Chicago
Skinning the communicative cat
 12:00 Jason Merchant, University of Chicago
The 1AEX can be reduced to selection
 12:45     Lunch break
  Session 4: Lexicon
2:30 Sally McConnell-Ginet, Cornell University
Semantics and pragmatics in/of transition
 3:15 Ben Zimmer, & The Wall Street Journal
Still unpacking after all these years: Non-trivial adventures in pop linguistics
4:00  Coffee break
  Session 5: Slurs and Epithets
 4:15 Elisabeth Camp, Rutgers University
A dual act analysis of slurs
 5:00 Patricia Irwin, University of Pennsylvania
Our asses, ourselves
   Getting the last word
 5:45  Laurence R. Horn, Yale University

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