This page has pictures of Larry (some from way back), friends, and family. These were shared in digital or physical form and put together here. Thank you to everyone who shared! If you have any more to share, please email and I will put them up!
Andy Rogers was the official photographer at Hornucopia and here are the wonderfully evocative pictures from the event that he took.
From the past…
Larry and Ite: LSA Institute, Umass 1974. (Pic: Lauri Karttunen; courtesy: Barbara Partee)
circa 1973 (courtesy: Judith Horn)
Amherst 1974 (courtesy: Polly Jacobson)
Judith Horn, Amherst 1974 (courtesy: Polly Jacobson)
Larry reflecting on the power of negation for the first time (caption & photo: Robin Horn)
Larry encouraging his cat to consider a new paradigm (caption & photo: Robin Horn)
Larry with his (late) cousin Abby Gould, September 1959 (courtesy: Suzy Hooper, Larry’s cousin)
Larry considering linguistics as a potentially interesting topic (circa 1958) (caption & photo: Robin Horn)
1956 (courtesy: Robin Horn)
In third grade with Geoff Nunberg at Hunter College Elementary School (courtesy: Geoff Nunberg)
Larry realizing life without linguistics is no fun at all… (caption & photo: Robin Horn)
Larry deciding on driving transformative change through negation (caption & photo: Robin Horn)
Wedding (courtesy: Barbara Abbott)
Larry and Judy (courtesy: Meryl Horn)
Ite, Larry’s Samoyed (courtesy: Polly Jacobson)
Some more recent ones…
Larry and Judy (courtesy: Judith Horn)
circa 2001 (courtesy: Larry Hauser)
London 2013 (courtesy: Robin Horn)
(courtesy: Robin Horn)
With Meryl and David (courtesy: Judith Horn)
Larry and his brother Robin (courtesy: Robin Horn)
Larry and his books (courtesy: Meryl Horn)
Meryl and Chris (courtesy: Larry Horn)
David and Cindy (courtesy: Larry Horn)
The whole family (courtesy: Larry Horn)
With friends…
Barbara Abbott, Larry Hauser, Judith Horn, Larry (courtesy: Barbara Abbott)
Poker friends: Gregory Ward , Gerry Prince, Betty Birner, Larry, Larry Hauser, Betty’s husband Andy, and Polly Jacobson (courtesy: Barbara Abbott)
More poker: Betty Birner , Ellen Prince, Polly Jacobson, Larry, Barbara Abbott, Larry Hauser, Gerry Prince (courtesy: Polly Jacobson)
With Donka Farkas (courtesy: Judith Horn)
Larry solo…
Montreux 2007: Larry in the O-corner (of the square of opposition) looking up to the A-corner, with the O-A diagonal drawn by the mountains (comment and photo: Dany Jaspers)
Larry leading the age-old search for pragmatics (caption & photo:: Robin Horn)
circa 2012 (courtesy: Betty Birner)