General information about Demos, teaching tips, safety information, transportation information, and protocols used during the semester is available to our volunteers at our orientation held at the start of every volunteering cycle. All volunteers will receive detailed protocols via email and all the necessary materials for the demos at the start of each week during the semester.
Below are a few sample protocols that Demos has used in our past curriculum. Requests for access to further materials can be directed to Rachael Putman and Colin Yap.
Weekly Classroom Program (Past Sample Protocols)
Week 1: Density Column
Week 2: Cartesian Diver
Week 3: Pencil Lead Light Bulb
Week 4: Lava Lamps
Week 5: Cabbage Juice pH Indicator
Week 6: Survival of the Fittest
Week 7: Sense and Sense Abilities
Week 8: Quicksand
For more information on the curriculum of our Starlab program, please contact the Starlab Coordinators, Nat Kerman and Rachel Done.
Demos welcomes and encourages other individuals and organizations to use our materials. Full permissions are granted for use and modification. Where appropriate, please cite the original sources as listed in our guide.