Final Hive Assembly!!

Our Warre Hive is officially done and ready for bees!!  Members of Yale Bee Space gathered together tonight to nail together our hive and make it bee ready.  Come Spring, it will house a happy 30,000 residents!DSC_4870 DSC_4881 DSC_4883

Finishing The Hive

Today Bee Space members got together to finish our first handmade Warre hive!  Early this morning we sanded and cut notches in our wood, and this afternoon we worked at the Yale Sustainable Food Project to varnish our wood with linseed oil to make a suitable home for our bees.  Once the pieces dry, we’ll assemble the hive and be ready to adopt another hive come spring!DSC_4859 DSC_4867 DSC_4866 DSC_4862