Big Plans

Yale Bee Space has some big plans under way discussed at our last meeting.  The team is hoping to start a research project looking at temperature, weight, and humidity in our hives come spring and possibly starting projects with bee vaccinations against plant diseases and tracking bee movement using RFID chips.

Today at 4:30 in CIED, the club is holding an open google chat with the organization Open Source Beehives to get ideas for innovating and testing our own hives

Hope to see you there!

First Bee Space Workshop

Today, the members of Yale Bee Space were busy as bees preparing for the rest of the semester.  All day, members attended workshops run by Glen.  Members learned  to use software like Solidworks and Arduino to create virtual representations of potential hive designs, write code and practice building sensors to gather data from within the hives.  At the end of the day, we began constructing a Warre hive to house our bees come spring!IMG_8023 DSC_4850 DSC_4828 DSC_4839DSC_4852DSC_4819 DSC_4806