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CampusPress is WordPress

Gate Handle Hall of Graduate Studies

New Options Available Now!

CampusPress now has the Block Editor available.

The new Yale Default Template has a new theme CampusPress Flex. The block editor will be available on all newly deployed sites.

Welcome to CampusPress

Yale University’s multi-site WordPress instance hosted by CampuPress. Yale NetID holders sign-in and create a site. Invite collaborators – both Yale and non-Yale.  See Guides for more information.

What’s New on CampusPress

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CampusPress is WordPress
Avi Joshi-Mahajan
Just another Quant and Tennis Fan
Pascual Restrepo
Associate Professor of Economics
Yale Journal of Law & Liberation
Category Management Leadership Platform
Dr. Guopeng Liang
Soil Biogeochemistry
Dr. Guopeng Liang
Yale Japanese Language Program

OER Repository of Language Teaching and Learning Modules
Yale OER Initiative Working Site (supported by the CLS IIW 2024)
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