A Simple Guide to Upping Your Social Media Game

Love or hate it, social media is here to stay. The various social media platforms have evolved from their initial purpose of mere interaction and networking into viable marketplaces, information hubs, rallying points, advocacy platforms, search sites and even journals. People of different nationalities, age, economic class, religion and idiosyncrasies have found a common place where they are sure to find people who look, talk and think like them. Many…

Is Your Website Working Hard Enough for You?

Have you ever searched for a service or met a potential supplier in person, only to have your trust in their ability completely shaken by their substandard website? Unfortunately for businesses big and small, this happens on a daily basis. Just as a firm handshake is a physical indication of dependability, a professional web presence projects confidence. The World Wide Web As of 2021, almost 60 percent of the global…

Christmas Traditions From Around the World

Most Christmas holiday party ideas revolve around family gatherings, gift-giving and copious amounts of good food. Not that there’s anything wrong with the combination! It’s as timeless as it is classic. However, whether social distancing has turned your usual family get-together into a distant memory or if you’re looking for a way to spice up this holiday season, it may be worth looking at Christmas traditions from around the world…

Digital Marketing: The Importance of Going Local

Regardless of how big your business is, it’s important to make local SEO a part of your digital marketing plan. Doing so allows you to create a personalized experience for a customer, which can increase conversion rates and reduce your client acquisition costs. Let’s take a look at the various steps that you can take to implement an effective local SEO digital marketing plan. Use Google Maps to Make Your…

Is Your Business Getting Enough Attention Online?

Business owners hear about the importance of digital marketing all the time. With consumers moving online and whole generations of younger consumers now living behind their screens, the fact that every business needs a digital presence is old news. However, lack of knowledge about online platforms and confusion over the myriad of digital marketing techniques can remain an obstacle for many businesses. The Importance of Being Earnest When considering the…

Ways for Startups to Stand Out

Startups are a dime a dozen these days. With the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, many people have gone into business for themselves, starting up small companies in a variety of industries. Sadly, a successful startup is one in a million. With established businesses hoarding a large proportion of the market, it can be difficult for new small businesses to find their footing. Although businesses can fail due to a…

Getting Through a Relationship Breakdown

A relationship breakdown is one of the most stressful things many adults will face in their lives. Unfortunately, relationships come to an end all of the time for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, you are the one to end it for the greater good. Other times, you are caught off guard by your partner’s decision to leave. Either way, it may upset your life in more ways than you imagine.…

How to Master the Game of Uno

Uno is a family-friendly card game first developed in Ohio in 1971. Rights to the game changed hands a couple of times before being acquired by Mattel in 1992. Today, Uno is played all over the world, with many theme versions in existence. This classic card game is a staple of family game nights and rainy afternoons.  The game requires a specialized deck of cards, and as few as two…

The Paradox of Choice and What it Means for Your Digital Marketing Strategy

As you walk down the streets, take a look around you and you will see many staring or tapping away on their smartphones as they mill around. 93% of American adults use the internet today, a steady climb from approximately just half the population in the early 2000s. People are using the internet for almost anything you can think of: getting directions to a destination, connecting with people who have…

Tips For a Healthy Marriage

A new marriage is a huge milestone full of celebration and hope for the future. But, at the same time, it’s a long-term commitment that comes with many challenges. Being in love with your partner isn’t the only thing that will hold your marriage together in the long run. What’s also needed is clear communication and patience. With divorce rates nearing 50% in the U.S., it’s easy to see that…