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Category: Guide

A Quick Start Guide Overview

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CampusPress Quick Start Guide PDF

For a more comprehensive guide and video tutorials visit

Good to know

By default all sites are deployed as viewable by only registered users of the CampusPress box. See how to change privacy settings here

Only Yale NetID holders can create a site but non-Yale users can be added as authors or admins on a site. See how to add Yale and non-Yale users here.

CampusPress use is subject to both the Information Technology Appropriate Use Policy and the Web Accessibility Policy

Plugins add functionality and Themes are all about the display, content regions, widgets, menus, sidebars and footers – the theme delivers these. If you don’t see a theme or plugin you’d like to use please fill out the feature request form and tell us the needed functionality or link to the plugin or theme you like. If it can’t be added to the box, we can help you find a work around.


Adding Users to Your Site

Posted in Guide

As an administrator of a site you can add Yale and non-Yale users to your site. Yale users login with a netid through Yale’s authentication system. Non-Yale users login using the local login system. You need only add users to your site if you have set the privacy settings to anything but Public and you need users to view (subscriber)  or  write (author) on your site.

Adding a Yale User

As an admin you are allowed to add Yale users who have already logged into CampusPress.

  1. Invite them to login with CAS at
  2. Once they have logged in, go to your Dashboard>Sites>Users>Add new.
  3. Under Add Exiting User,  enter the email address of the user and select their role.

Roles are the following (see User Role Overview)

  • Administrator – somebody who has access to all the administration features within a single site.
  • Editor – somebody who can publish and manage posts including the posts of other users.
  • Author – somebody who can publish and manage their own posts.
  • Contributor – somebody who can write and manage their own posts but cannot publish them.
  • Subscriber – somebody who can only manage their profile.

If you cannot locate the individual and adding the user returns “The requested user does not exist.” You can add a Yale netid  holder 2 ways:

  1. Ask the Yale user to login at CampusPress – they will bee added as a user and you can now add them as an “existing user”.
  2. Use the Invite User plugin.

Adding a Non-Yale User

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Posted in Guide

Search engine optimization is a bit of a tricky art. There are things you can do to improve the visibility of the site.

1. From Dashboard>Settings>Google Analytics, sign up for an UA code from Google and enter it on the Google Analytics settings page on your blog. You can then see stats about your site on the Google Analytics web page. Statistics are also visible on the Dashboard of your site.

2. You can also leverage JetPack stats – contact if you have questions about JetPack settings.

2. Link to the site from everywhere you possibly can, especially from established and reputable sites.

3. Use SiteImprove. Send an email to sends e-mail) with the site you would like access to (provide the name and URL of the site).  They will email you back when the site is ready for you to log in and view.  Once you have access, you can begin to explore the following modules. and use SiteImprove

4. Make sure your posts contain search optimized titles and content (if you want people to find you based on your research topics or your name those need to be in the title and content of the pages, if you want them to search for your name and Yale, make sure that Yale is in the title or content).

5.You probably will need to wait on the order of 5-10 calendar days to see whether the efforts are paying off.

To Add to the a Menu

Posted in Guide

Menus help your visitors find information. Themes have display areas for menus. You can create custom menus and display them in the theme’s menu area’s or in a widget. For more information see Creating a Custom Menu.

Adding a Page to a Custom Menu

  1. After the page has been created, go to Appearance on the dashboard and click on Menus
  2. You will see the list of pages on the website. Click on the checkbox to select the page/pages you want to add
    on the main menu.
  3. Click Add to Menu > Save Menu

To Add a Page as a Subpage/Sub Nav under an Existing Page on the Menu:

(Once you’ve added the page to the menu, you can reorder them however you like.)

  1. Click Appearance > Menus
  2. Click and drag pages to the right to create sub menus for the page above > Save Menu

To Link Menu tab directly to a PDF:

(For example, linking a CV directly to the menu.)

  1. Upload the pdf to the website by Media (on the dashboard) > Add New > Select File
  2. Once the file has been uploaded, click on the pdf (from the media library), copy the url from the left side.
  3. On the Dashboard, click on Appearance > Menus > Click on Links. In the URL, paste the copied url of the

    uploaded pdf.

  4. In Link Text, write the name of the page, as you would want it to appear in the menu.
  5. Click on Add to Menu > Save Menu