Click above for papers and specific projectsFurther detailsIn recent years I have done extensive work to try to understand child development in developing countries as well as parental investment. My work has started around the evaluation of intervention aimed at improving the development in disadvantaged situations and has tried to interpret the results of these evaluations through the lenses of models that would allow to identify the mechanisms that generate the observed results.
Click above for papers and specific projectsFurther detailsI have been involved in several projects to construct measures of a number of concepts and constructs that are not ofter measured in economics, ranging from subjective expectations, to parental beliefs, to bargaining power within couples, to tastes for hypothetical allocations of resources. I have also worked on how to use optimally existing instruments. The relation between economic theory and measurement was the theme of my presidential address to the Econometric Society in 2020. |
Click above for papers and specific projectsFurther detailsI have worked extensively on inequality, both in income and consumption (and how the two are related). More recently, I have become involved into two large initiatives to study recent developments in inequality in different dimensions of well being:
Click above for papers and specific projectsFurther detailsI have evaluated several interventions in developing countries, both in the field of child development and other contexts. In recent years my focus has been on early years interventions, targeted to children aged 2 to 6. |
Click above for papers and specific projectsFurther detailsI have studied extensively life cycle model and their estimation with micro data. I have looked at models of labor supply, durable purchases, housing, different preference specifications and so on. Recently I have used estimated life cycle models to reverse engineer individual perceptions of future events.
Click above for papers and specific projectsFurther detailsI have been interested in models and tests of imperfect risk sharing in a variety of different contexts. I have worked on tests of perfect risk sharing and on the interpretation of results indicating rejections of the perfect risk sharing. In particular, I have worked with models with moral hazard, with imperfect information in networks and models with imperfect risk sharing. |
Click above for papers and specific projectsFurther details I have worked on a variety of other topics, including, recently, quantity discounts in retail markets in developing countries |