Yale Neurology Celebrates Graduating Trainees

Yale Neurology gathered yesterday evening to celebrate the completion of training for nine residents and three fellows.

The event took place at Amarante’s Sea Cliff, attended by over a hundred of faculty members, trainees and family members. This year, three residents will remain at Yale while others start fellowship training on both coasts:

  • Dr. Diane Chan: Massachusetts General Hospital/Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Movement Disorders
  • Dr. Jeffrey Dewey: Yale University, Neuromuscular Medicine
  • Dr. Ilena George: Mount Sinai Hospital, Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunology
  • Dr. Krithi Irmady: Columbia University, Movement Disorders
  • Dr. Saien Lai: Stanford University, Epilepsy/Clinical Neurophysiology
  • Dr. K. H. Vincent Lau: Massachusetts General Hospital/Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Neuromuscular Medicine
  • Dr. Andrew Liu: UCSF, Cognitive/Behavioral Neurology
  • Dr. Reshma Narula: Yale University, Neurovascular
  • Dr. Sirisha Sanamandra: Yale University, Neuromuscular Medicine

The department also recognized fellows Dr. Amy Chan for completion of neuro-oncology fellowship, Dr. Arman Fesharaki-Zadeh for behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry fellowship, and Dr. Sarah Wesley for neuroimmunology fellowship. Other fellows will be recognized at a separate event.

Graduating residents: (left to right) Drs. Sanamandra, George, Chan, Dewey, Liu, Narula, Imrady, Lai and Lau

Chief residents Drs. Jeffrey Dewey and Vincent Lau recognized program leadership with tokens of appreciation for program director Dr. Jeremy Moeller, associate program directors Drs. Caitlin Loomis and Darren Volpe, department chair Dr. David Hafler and coordinator Ms. Cynthia Petersen. Dr. Jeffrey Dewey received the Resident of the Year Award, Dr. Paul Fu the Gilbert Glaser Award and Dr. Bryce Buchowicz the Lewis Levy Award. Drs. Jeffrey Dewey, Vincent Lau and Reshma Narula received certificates in Neurology Education.

Dr. Daniel DiCapua was named the Attending of the Year, as selected by residents. Dr. David Greer was honored with the Excellence in Mentorship award.

Highlighting Medical Education Research

Yale MedEd Day 2017 was well-attended by neurology residents today. An event hosted by the Teach and Learning Center, it showcases education research across Yale School of Medicine and provides networking opportunities among medical educators.

Senior residents Drs. Jeffrey Dewey and Vincent Lau presented their work in microskills in clinical teaching and learning analytics respectively.

Dr. Dewey with faculty mentor Dr. Moeller

Dr. Lau with faculty mentor Dr. Moeller

Both residents are on the clinician education track, and will complete their residency next month.

69th American Academy of Neurology Annual Conference

The 69th American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting took place at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center this week.

The meeting was well attended by residents and fellows. Presenters included Drs. Priyanka Chilakamarri, Diane Chan, Stacy Chu, Eliezer Sternberg.

(clockwise from top left) Drs. Chu, Chilakamarri, Chan and Sternberg) present their research

Senior resident Dr. Jeffrey Dewey gave a platform presentation on his research in bedside teaching in medical education.

Dr. Dewey presents his work on bedside teaching

Throughout the week, residents attended lectures by international experts and participated in mentored small groups. They also attended the exposition for learning via the latest technologies.

Residents undergo simulation in epilepsy


Residents explore the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis via virtual reality

Critical-care epilepsy fellow Dr. Carolina Maciel was recognized for her work as a TRANSCENDS (Training in Research for Academic Neurologists to Sustain Careers and Enhance the Numbers of Diverse Scholars) scholar, a joint initiative of the AAN and the Medical University of South Carolina.

Dr. Maciel speaks about her work as a TRASCENDS scholar

Senior residents Dr. Ilena George and Dr. Vincent Lau attended the Faculty and Trainee reception on April 24 as a representative of the Residents and Fellows section of Neurology and as a recipient of the Resident Scholarship to the Annual Meeting respectively. Later that evening, the Yale Neurology Alumni Reception gathered current and past trainees and faculty at the lavish Public Garden of the Sheraton Boston Hotel.

Outside the conference, trainees enjoyed dining at local eateries such as Worden Hall and the Publico Street Bistro and Garden in South Boston.

Faculty and trainees dine at Worden Hall

Residents look forward to attending the 70th AAN Annual Meeting in Los Angeles next year.

Dinners with the Department Chair

Residents attended dinner parties through the weekend at department chairperson Dr. David Hafler’s home in Guilford. Split into two nights and cohosted by Dr. Janet Hafler, Associate Dean for Educational Scholarship, the parties gave residents a chance to discuss the direction of the department and their own career goals. The groups also celebrated a highly successful match list, with the ten residents who will join Yale Neurology in 2018 announced on March 17.

Dr. Haflers’ dinner parties follow a series of department-sponsored events for residents this year including a dinner for junior residents and cocktail hours downtown.

Escape New Haven

Over four weekend days last month, groups of residents and fellows took part in Escape New Haven, a game in which 4-8 players are locked into a room and must find a way out using teamwork. Residents tackled theme rooms such as The Space Station and The Crypt.

The residency program is grateful for the funding of $3600 provided by the Graduate Medical Education office for this team-building activity, as part of the hospital’s wellness initiative.

Grand Rounds Ends Successful Fall Series

Clinical Neuroscience Grand Rounds ends a successful fall run this December with one of the most diverse group of speakers in the history of the lecture series. Lecturers ranged from neurology department leadership to the president of Yale-New Haven Hospital, from leaders in basic science research to experts in medical education.

Asked about her philosophy in selecting speakers, Grand Rounds resident coordinator Dr. Krithi Irmady says the committee aims to expose the audience to fields outside their expertise: “To me, the purpose of Grand Rounds isn’t just to educate but also to ignite new ideas and possibilities.” She appreciates ample funding from the department that allows her to invite lecturers from both within the Yale academic community and around the world.

Dr. Irmady MD-PhD is a fourth-year resident on the research track. She will continue her clinician-researcher career at Columbia University this July.

Yale Neurology Celebrates the Holiday Season

Residents celebrated the winter holidays tonight at the department-wide Yale Neurology Annual Holiday Party. Taking place at the Woodwinds Wedding and Event Venue in Branford, the event brought together faculty and trainees, clinicians and researchers. Residents enjoyed live music, dancing and an open bar at the stately European Country Manor.

Residents and fellows with program director Dr. Moeller in the foyer of the Woodwinds

Residents and fellows with program director Dr. Moeller in the foyer of the Woodwinds

Department leadership Drs. Hafler and Greer thanked attendees for a successful year and look forward to a fruitful one ahead.

Yale Neurology Celebrates Graduating Residents

Yale Neurology celebrated the completion of training of seven residents and three fellows last night.

Taking place at Amarante’s Sea Cliff boasting a seaside deck and bar, the dinner was attended by over a hundred faculty members, trainees and family members. The department celebrated seven graduating residents, five of whom will be staying at Yale:

  • Dr. Benjamin Blond: Yale University, Clinical Neurophysiology (Epilepsy)
  • Dr. Shivani Ghoshal: Columbia University, Neurocritical Care Fellowship
  • Dr. Mark Landreneau: Yale University, Neurocritical Care Fellowship
  • Dr. Brian MacGrory: Yale University, Vascular Neurology Fellowship
  • Dr. Ashish Ranpura: Queen’s Square, London, Research and Clinical Practice
  • Dr. Sara Schaefer: Yale University, Movement Disorders Fellowship
  • Dr. Emmanuelle Schindler: Veteran Affairs Advanced Fellowship in Neuroscience

The department also recognized fellows Dr. Sharon Stoll for completion of neuro-immunology fellowship, Dr. Annya Tisher for behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry, and Dr. Teddy Youn for vascular neurology. Other fellows will be recognized at a separate event.

Residents with program director and Attending of the Year Dr. Jeremy Moeller

Residents with program director and Attending of the Year Dr. Jeremy Moeller

Resident Dr. Shivani Ghoshal was honored with the Resident of the Year Award, Dr. Diane Chan the Gilbert Glaser Award and Dr. Rachel Beekman the Lewis Levy Award.

Dr. Jeremy Moeller was named the Attending of the Year as selected by residents.

Yale Attends the Penry Residents Epilepsy Program

Dr. Saien Lai returns from the Penry Residents Epilepsy Program taking place June 7-10 at the Graylyn International Conference Center of Wake Forest University in North Carolina. The intensive three-day course offered resident-level focused didactics on antiepileptic management, childhood epilepsy syndromes and acute seizure management. In addition to lectures during the day, Dr. Lai also attended dinners with small-group case discussions with faculty into late evenings. Attendees to the conference are nominated by program directors of selected neurology programs.

Participants discuss epilepsy at the beautiful Graylyn International Conference Center of Wake Forest University

Participants discuss epilepsy at the beautiful Graylyn International Conference Center of Wake Forest University

Dr. Lai was joined by Yale epileptologist Dr. Mattson, a course director and one of the chairs of the program.

Yale epileptologist Dr. Mattson lectures to residents from around the country

Yale epileptologist Dr. Mattson lectures to residents from around the country

After completion of her fourth year of residency, Dr. Lai will be joining Stanford for epilepsy fellowship starting 2017.

Spotlight on Peer Mentorship in Neurology Residency

Dr. Reshma Narula presents her work today on peer mentorship at Medical Education Day at Yale 2016 sponsored by the Teaching and Learning Center.

Last year, she designed a program matching entering junior residents with seniors. Among several encouraged activities, seniors helped new resident neurologists identify hospital and community resources, guided them through workflow and clinical issues, and offered early career advice. Met with significant positive feedback, her work had also been previously presented at an education conference in Rhode Island last month.


Dr. Narula discusses importance of mentorship with conference attendees


With research mentor Dr. Jeremy Moeller

With research mentor Dr. Jeremy Moeller

Dr. Narula begins her last year of residency in July, after which she will be a stroke fellow at Yale with plans to continue her work in medical education.