Current | Alumni

Ravi Pokhrel , PhD (Chemistry) ’13
Yale Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

Sneha Moktan , IR’13
School of International Relation

Ambika Khadka , MESc ’13
School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Kanchan Shrestha, MESC ’12
School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Bibhav Acharya, MD ’11
Yale School of Medicine

Kapil Mishra, MBA ’11, BA (Economics & Mathematics) ’04
Yale School of Management & Yale College

Pragyajan Yalambar Rai, MEM ’11
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Roshan Karki, PhD (Experimental Pathology) ’11
Yale Graduate School of Arts & Sciences

Deb P. Jaisi, Post-doctoral Fellow ’07-’10
Dept. of Geology & Geophysics and Dept. of Chemical Engineering

Akriti Singh, MPH ’10
Yale School of Public Health

Chhitij Bashyal, BS (Biology) ’10
Yale College

Sudarshan Khanal MEM ’10
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Suyog Bhandari, BS (Physics) ’09
Yale College

Neelesh Man Shrestha, MEM ’09
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Rajesh Koirala, MFS ’09
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Aarjan Dixit, MEM ’08
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Shanti Karanjit, MEM ’08
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Anurag Amatya, MBA ’07
Yale School of Management

Krishna Roka, MFS ’07
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Rita Lohani, MEM ’06
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Soni Pradhanang, MESc, ’03
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Ruma Rajbhandari, BS (Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology) ’02
Yale College

Achyut Raj Gywali, MFS, ’96
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies