Week 58: Research on 99

So I finished up research for my seminar and truly worked my butt of trying to read as many papers and abstracts as I possibly could to synthesize a comprehensive report on the merits of oxytocin as an autism treatment model. Below, you’ll find a link…

Week 56: Summertime Madness

For my autism seminar, I have decided to focus on oxytocin. Some of you may know it as the “love hormone”. It actually was the first hormone to be synthesized. It plays a role in the positive feedback of labor by inducing uterine contractions and…

Week 54: Learning 2.0

So I started my online seminar on autism through Yale Summer Session. The layout of the course seems pretty nice and not overly stressful and hopefully I can get a lot done with it. I have messed around with a few online courses here and…

Week 42: Embracing the End (and Extra!)

Dude, jet lag is mad real. And that basically explains my Sunday and Monday in entirety. Even though this trip was only two-thirds the length of my eurotrip, I’d definitely say it took a greater toll on me due to the dramatic climate change I…

Mai Oh Mai

Day 16 I got sick. Day 17 Yale Health gave me magical drugs before I left for Asia and they served their use very well at this point in time. I was back on my feet and actually getting hungry. Thank you, science. As a…

Week 38: Déjà Vu

Well here we are, all over again, ready to leave the country again immediately following the end of my semester at Ewha. Summer is way more like winter than you’d expect. My semester was filled with a learning curve for dance, a bunch of random…

Week 36: Forward & Backward

It’s kind of weird how fast my week transitioned from looking forward to reflecting back. Let me explain. The beginning of the week was pretty exciting as Emily was going to present some highlights on her time working on open laws for the San Francisco’s…

Week 31: A Holiday in Korea

So you may wonder, “Hey Mahir, do people in Korea spend their holidays stuffing their face and binge-watching Netflix, pretending they will commit to their resolutions like we do here in the States?” (PSA: Stop making New Year’s resolutions.) Well, it may surprise you that…

Week 22: Reunion

Let’s talk about science. Progress on a certain project of mine was not moving forward as planned. In order to make up for lost time, we decided to collect some new DNA. To acquire this DNA, I had to dissect a mouse that was mutated…

Week 21: Rebranding the Program

Well, speaking up can help… … but it could also just make you feel like you wasted more time. The dissatisfaction that most of the KU Light Fellows and I endured came face-to-face with the office for once for a discussion. Now, it appeared to…