The Digital Preservation Network (DPN) is a federation of more than 50 academic institutional members who are collaboratively developing the means to preserve the complete scholarly record for future generations. DPN has launched a Member Content Pilot program as a step toward establishing an operational, long-term preservation system shared across the academy.
The pilot is testing real-world interactions between DPN members through DPN “nodes” that ingest data from members of the Digital Preservation Network and package it for preservation storage. Three DPN nodes (Chronopolis/Duracloud, The Texas Preservation Node, and the Stanford Digital Repository) will be functioning as First Nodes. All five DPN nodes (the three named above along with APTrust and HathiTrust) will be providing replication services for the pilot data.
The higher education community has created many digital repositories to provide long-term preservation and access. DPN replicates multiple dark copies of these collections in diverse nodes to protect against the risk of catastrophic loss due to technology, organizational or natural disasters.
Participants in the DPN Member Content Pilot include Chronopolis, University of California San Diego, Dartmouth University, the DuraSpace organization, Stanford University, Texas Preservation Node and Yale University.
The pilot provides:
• A functioning preservation network capable of Services sufficient to allow First Nodes to accepting and replicating Member Pilot content and replicate it to Replicating Nodes using the developing DPN network.
• Opportunity for all participating Members and First Nodes to play out a realistic content deposit scenario and to discuss and capture the requirements and questions raised.
• A preliminary report to the DPN membership regarding results.
via Digital Preservation Network (DPN) Launches Member Content Pilot | DuraSpace.