The following new features and bug fixes have been rolled out in January:
- We have greatly improved relevancy ranking for known phrase searches like Journal titles. A typical example of this is a search for the Journal title ‘Nature’ which has long been a source of frustration in Orbis because so many titles in the Library catalog contain that word. A search for ‘Nature’ in Quicksearch beta now brings the Online version of the Journal up as the first hit in the Catalogs result list! Give it a try:
- Another great new feature: you can now access Full Text materials like the online version of ‘Nature” directly from the Quicksearch results list.
- Quicksearch beta response time has also been greatly improved! Thanks again to everyone who reported and/or pitched in to help out with this issue.
- All fields that display in Orbis now display in Quicksearch beta
- Several small layout and style issues have been addressed
via January New Features in Quicksearch | Quicksearch Project.