Yale is continuing to develop the ArchivesSpace PUI and is preparing for a soft-launch of the new archives and special collections discovery service this Spring. This will create the foundation for the migration from YFAD to the Public User Interface. The ArchivesSpace PUI (public user interface) blog keeps staff informed of the significant work the project team and its workgroups are doing.
The blog has a new post this month by Steve Wieda, Senior Web Developer in Library IT and lead for the Technical Integrations workgroup. Steve’s post, “ArchivesSpace Public User Interface Technical Integration: IT projects aren’t about IT”, focuses on the plan the Technical Integration workgroup is going to implement to ensure patron transition from YFAD to ArchivesSpace PUI is seamless.
For more information about the ArchivesSpace project, visit the YAMS LibGuide or the ArchivesSpace blog.