To support front line/public services and troubleshooting staff after the debut of Quicksearch beta on the Library Front Door, Library IT has created an FAQ document, in case any problems are reported through these typical channels.
Additionally, Library IT has held five informational/demo sessions staff on Quicksearch beta to date, in both Bass and Hillhouse. We’ve gotten really great feedback from these sessions, and we encourage all staff to let us know if you have questions, comments, or other feedback on the Quicksearch beta project.
Many staff have found it useful to use Quicksearch beta as they do their daily work. Again, please be encouraged to click here and share your thoughts with the implementation team.
We are beginning to focus more now on information sessions targeted at different groups. Representatives from the Quicksearch beta implementation team will be visiting a Tech Services department meeting next month, and hope to do more information sessions for other departments and groups.
Look for more documentation, tips and other information on Quicksearch beta in the coming weeks!
Please email Kalee Sprague ( ) or Jenn Nolte ( ) for questions about the info sessions, or to request a visit to your group or department.