Library IT and Yale ITS collaborate on Office 2013 targeted deployment at YUL

The IT Infrastructure & Client Services unit is working with the Endpoint Engineering group at Yale ITS to begin automatically deploying Office 2013 to select Library workstations this week.

Workstations in MSSA and at Beinecke will receive their upgrades on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings,respectively. Next Thursday November 6 , systems in Access Services will be upgraded and on Tuesday November 11, Acquisitions and Cataloging will receive the upgrade.

Over the next several weeks, we will deploy Office 2013 to additional departments and libraries. Detailed information will continue to be distributed via the YULIB mailing list.

Reon Keller has been conducting Office 2013 overview sessions throughout the summer and into the fall to prepare the YUL community for this upgrade. Reon is holding another session in the Bass classroom on Thursday October 30 at 10 am. You are encouraged to attend if you have not done so. Seating is limited so please register here:

Additionally, you can further prepare for the upgrade by viewing the online videos available to the Yale community by visiting and watching Office 2013 New Features. We also encourage you to check out the Office 2013 Quick Start Guides.

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