Author Archives: Jacqueline Jung

Visions and Art in Medieval Europe

Graduate seminar: HSAR 587b Visions and Art in Medieval Europe From the Book of Revelation to the Showings of Julian of Norwich (d. 1423), a [...]

German Gothic Sculpture, 1200-1450

HSAR 587a, Graduate Seminar Thursdays, 1:30-3:20 pm Like their counterparts in France, the churches of medieval German-speaking lands were f [...]

The Body in Medieval Art

Undergraduate seminar: HSAR 428a Despite its reputation as an “age of spirituality” piously committed to the rejection of earthly things [...]

Critical Approaches to Art History

HSAR 401a, Undergraduate Seminar Mondays, 3:30-5:20 pm Intended for History of Art majors in their junior year, this seminar introduces stud [...]

Last Things: Death, Apocalypse and the Afterlife in Medieval Art

Undergraduate lecture: HSAR 278a This course explores changing attitudes toward death and the afterlife as they were expressed in art of var [...]

Introduction to the Art and Architecture of Medieval Europe

Undergraduate lecture: HSAR 274b This course offers a selective chronological overview of European visual arts and architecture from the dec [...]

The Body as Medium in Medieval Art and Culture

HSAR 593a, Graduate Seminar Thursdays, 1:30-3:20 Since the publication of pioneering studies by Caroline Walker Bynum in the late 1980s, the [...]

Monumental Narratives in Medieval Art, 1000-1500

Undergraduate Seminar This seminar introduces students to the range of visual strategies used to communicate with large, socially diverse au [...]

The Art and Architecture of Gothic Cathedrals, 1140-1400

Undergraduate lecture This lecture course presents a series of case studies of Gothic ecclesiastical buildings, from the Benedictine abbey c [...]
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