On Tuesday, April 22 from 1pm to 2pm, we will convene at 220 York Street in Room 202 for a group conversation about the state of the field of performance studies as it pertains to our work. We will discuss interdisciplinarity, pedagogy, ideology, institutionalization, professionalization, and other issues in the contemporary academy and broader cultural sphere.
Some questions to kick off discussion will include:
- What is the state of performance studies as an interdisciplinary field?
- In a “disciplinary” institution such as Yale, how does this “interdisciplinary” group serve your work as a teacher and scholar? How might the group better serve the “interdisciplinary” at Yale and beyond?
- What are pedagogical strategies that seem to work particularly well when teaching interdisciplinary courses? (do you define disciplinary borders? are there interdisciplinary methodologies that you have established?)
- What challenges arise when marketing scholarly work as interdisciplinary (particularly in the realms of publishing and job market)? What strategies help to meet these challenges?
Come prepared for a lively discussion as we send off the 2013-2014 season of PSWG. As always, a light lunch will be served.