A People’s Guide to Infrastructure in New Haven was produced with support from the Instructional Technology Group at Yale and facilitated by Ed Kairiss, Edward O’Neill, and Pam Patterson. The Guide was co-edited by Yale students Diana Li and J.D. Sagastume, who also deserve credit for its design in WordPress. Elihu Rubin oversaw the project as the instructor of “Infrastructure: Politics and Design,” an undergraduate seminar in the departments of Architecture and Political Science at Yale. Authors of the Guide include Jordan Ascher, Jenny Dai, Graham Harboe, Diana Li, Sylvia McNamara, Carlene Miller, Jacquelyn Nakamura, Mary Nguyen, Sunny Park, Micah Rodman, Olivia Rosenthal, J.D. Sagastume, Ronald Taitz, and Christopher Zappi and the editors thank them for their hard work.