Working Papers:
Warlike Democracies
John Ferejohn (Stanford University) and Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University)
Toward a Republican Liberalism
John Ferejohn (Stanford University) and Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University)
Comparative Judicial Politics
John Ferejohn (Stanford University), Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University) and Charles Shipan
Coalition Parties vs. Coalition of Parties: How Electoral Agency Shapes the Political Logic of Costs and Benefits
Kathleen Bawn (UCLA) and Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University)
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The Political Economy of Gender: Explaining Cross-National Variation in Household Bargaining, Divorce and the Gender Voting Gap.
Torben Iversen (Harvard University) and Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University)
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The Politics of Low Fertility: Global markets, Women’s Employment and Birth Rates in Four Industrialized Democracies (August 2002)
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University), Matthew Light and Claudia Schrag
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The Comparative Political Economy of Childcare: Japan, U.S., and Europe (August 2000)
The Political Economy of Japanese Pollution Regulation
Frances Rosenbluth, Yale University Michael F. Thies, UCLA
Paper prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association annual meetings, September 2-5, 1999, Atlanta, Georgia.
The Domestic Politics of Banking Regulation
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale University) and Ross Schaap (UCLA)
Prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association annual meetings in San Francisco, August 29-September 2, 2001.
The Electoral Foundations of Japan�s Banking Regulation
Frances Rosenbluth (Yale) and Michael F. Thies (UCLA)
The Comparative Politics of Gender
Frances Rosenbluth
Prepared for presentation at the American Political Science Association annual meetings in San Francisco, August 29-September 2, 2001.
Conference on The Political Economy of Maternal Employment in Japan, the U.S., and Europe
Kathleen Bawn
Gary Cox
Mathew McCubbims
Roger Noll
J. Mark Ramseyer
Jun Saito
Ross Schaap
Michael Thies