Call for Papers Fall 2020

Dear all,

we hope that you have had an enjoyable summer. The Early Modern Interdisciplinary Graduate Lunch will be running once again this academic year. We are looking forward to receiving proposals from anyone wishing to present a work in progress, whether it be a prospectus, conference paper, or dissertation chapter.

Our lunch group is a forum for meaningful interactions among those who are interested in the exploration of early modern worlds. In gathering Yale’s early modern community in a single workshop, we aim to encourage interdisciplinary thinking, and creatively and analytically embrace new ideas.

At each workshop, which meets on Fridays between 12-1:30pm, the group discusses a work in progress. The piece is circulated among participants in advance. Speakers are encouraged to include with their draft key points that they would like the group to pay close attention to so that it can provide them with the most useful feedback.

This year the group will convene on Zoom. There will be five scheduled meetings in the Fall Semester:

Friday, October 23rd
Friday, November 6th
Friday, November 20th
Friday, December 4th

If you are interested in submitting work to present, please do let us know which date you prefer by September 15, 2020. If you have any questions or would like to be added to the group’s mailing list, please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer ( or Esteban (

Kind regards,
Jennifer and Esteban