Professional Activities:
- Editor, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1972-2009
- Rapporteur, Harvard-M.I.T. Faculty Arms Control Seminar, 1961-62
- Investigator, Institute for Defense Analyses, 1962
- Investigator, U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1963-66
- Consultant, Bendix Aerospace Division, 1964-72
- Consultant, System Development Corporation, 1965-66
- Editorial Associate, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1966-71
- Editorial Board, International Studies Quarterly, 1966-72
- Consultant, RAND Corporation, 1966-70
- Consultant, General Electric TEMPO, 1966-70
- Lecture series, Yugoslav Social Science Institute, 1967
- Editorial Committee, Comparative Political Studies, 1967-72
- Consultant and member, Education and World Affairs Committee on International Studies, 1968-69
- Lecture series, University of Oslo, 1970
- Executive Committee, Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces & Society, 1972-76.
- Editorial Committee, Sage Professional Papers in Comparative Politics, 1970-77
- Guest scholar, Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., 1974 (with grant from International Research & Exchanges Board)
- Editorial Board, International Interactions, 1981-84, 1987-
- Member, Board of Directors, Human Relations Area Files, 1976-80, 1992-96
- Address to annual meeting of Japan Association of International Relations; guest of Japanese Foreign Ministry, 1975
- Advisory Board, Journal of Policy Modelling, 1977-79
- Co-Director, Roper Center, Inc., 1978-79; Member, Board of Directors and Executive Committee, 1977-85
- Editor, international relations series, W. H. Freeman & Co., 1977-92
- Editorial Board, Conflict Management and Peace Science, 1980-
- Member, Professional Review Panel on Socio-economic Impacts of Nuclear Power Station Siting, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1980-82
- Consultant, Pacific Sierra Research Corporation, 1980-81
- Principal Consultant, U. S. Catholic Conference, Pastoral Letter, The Challenge of Peace, 1981-83
- Guest lectures, Consejo Argentino de Relaciones Internacionales, Buenos Aires, 1983
- Member, National Science Foundation delegation to establish joint research on international relations with Peoples Republic of China, 1983.
- Chairman, Steering Committee, with grants from Christopher D. Smithers Foundation and International Social Science Council, for proposed television series on peace and war, 1984-86
- International Advisory Board, Journal of Peace Research, 1986-
- Lecture series, National Institute for Defense Studies, Tokyo, 1986
- Member, Board of Advisors, The Independent Institute: Center on Peace and Liberty, 2002-
- Council member, Data Development for International Relations project, 1986-88
- Editorial Board, Commonwealth, 1987-2005
- Editorial Board, Defence and Peace Economics, 1988-2000
- Editorial Committee, Merriam Series on Analytic Political Research (Lynne Reiner, publishers), 1987-95
- Lecture series, Uppsala University, 1987
- Member, Advisory Board, Peace Research and European Security Studies Society, 1987-95
- Member, National Science Foundation, Political Science Advisory Panel, 1988-90
- Member, Board of Directors, Collegium, 1992-95; Renewal Advisory Board, 1994-98
- Member, Disciplinary Advisory Committee, Council for International Exchange of Scholars, 1992-93
- Member, Nominating Committee for Director of Peace Research Institute, Oslo, 1992
- Advisor to Prague University of Economics for Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs, 1992
- Member, Research Fellows Committee, International Peace Academy, 1993-
- Member, Board of Advisors, International Institute of Contemporary Geopolitics, Jawarhlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 1993-
- Member, International Academic Advisory Board, BESA Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, 1993-2006
- Consultant, Sparta, Inc., 1993
- Advisory Editor, Cross-Cultural Research, 1993-
- Co-Director (with Paul Kennedy), Secretariat, Independent Working Group on the Future of the United Nations, 1993-96; Report, The United Nations in Its Second Half-Century (New York: Ford Foundation, 1995, in English, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish).
- Member, International Advisory Board, Program in Foreign Policy Decision Making, George Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A & M University, 1994-
- Member, The Global Commission to Fund the United Nations, 1994-98
- Editorial Board, The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy, 1995-
- Member, Working Advisory Group to the United Nations University on “The United Nations System in the 21st Century,” 1995-96
- Member, Council on Foreign Relations Independent Task Force for report, American National Interest and the United Nations, 1996
- Member, Advisory Board, Center for National Security Law, University of Virginia Law School, 1997-
- Member, Advisory Board, Columbia International Affairs Online, 1997-2003
- Lecture series, University of Catania, 1998
- Editorial Board, Global Governance, 1998-2004
- Member, UNESCO International Panel on Democracy and Development (Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Chair), 1998-2001; contributor to its published report (2003)
- Lecture series in Norway: Oslo, Bergen, 2002
- Lecture series in Brazil: Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre, 2004
- Editorial Board, International Relations of the Asia Pacific (Japan), 2001-
- Editorial Advisory Board, Review of Politics, 2003-
- Editorial Board, Review of International Organizations, 2003-
- Consultant, The United Nations: Global Leadership, book series from Mason Crest Publisher, 2005
- Consultant, Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa, Rome, 2006
- Consultant, German Research Foundation (DFG), Bonn, 2007
- Peer Review Panel, European Science Foundation, 2010-
- Contributing Editor, Current History, 2011-
- Consultant, National Security Innovations, 2011
- Consultant, One Earth Foundation, 2012
- Lectures, conference presentations, etc. at over 120 institutions in the United States and over 80 abroad
- American Political Science Association (Council member, 1984-86)
- International Political Science Association (Chair, North American Advisory Council, 1977-80)
- International Studies Association (President, 1983-84; Chair, Nominating Committee, 1973; Chair, Karl Deutsch Award Committee, 1987-93, 1995-97)
- Peace Science Society (International) (President, 1977-79; Council member, 1969-75)
- Soaring Apple Foundation (Secretary and Treasurer, 1997-)