Week 58: Research on 99

So I finished up research for my seminar and truly worked my butt of trying to read as many papers and abstracts as I possibly could to synthesize a comprehensive report on the merits of oxytocin as an autism treatment model. Below, you’ll find a link…

Week 57: Ramadan Regression

So this week was supposed to be pretty different but it actually did not seem to turn that way. For the first time since I was nine, I actively chose not to participate in the Ramadan fast. Most folks will recognize it as the holy…

Week 56: Summertime Madness

For my autism seminar, I have decided to focus on oxytocin. Some of you may know it as the “love hormone”. It actually was the first hormone to be synthesized. It plays a role in the positive feedback of labor by inducing uterine contractions and…

Week 55: Movements

Movements were pretty big things this weekend. One of the nice things I love about the English language is the fluidity and adaptability of certain words. Movement happens to be one of those words. 광주 (Gwangju) probably best represents the sociopolitical connotations of that word…

Week 54: Learning 2.0

So I started my online seminar on autism through Yale Summer Session. The layout of the course seems pretty nice and not overly stressful and hopefully I can get a lot done with it. I have messed around with a few online courses here and…

365: Giving Into Fear

Not too long ago, I finally learned about “imposter syndrome”. In layman’s terms, picture a genius with a chronic fear of being a fraud, despite evidence to the contrary. Pretty twisted, right? Well, as soon as I learned about it, images of friends notorious for…

Week 37: Picking Myself Up

I realized this week, as I started falling onto the floor breaking in good ways, I have yet elaborated my b-boying experience to you all. So let’s start now. As you may recall, my hip-hop instructor, Double-D, is incredible. Unsurprisingly, so is his main crew,…