
Published and Forthcoming Papers:

In Progress

  • Verbal Debates in Epistemology
  • Cognitive Mobile Homes
  • Epistemic Iteration Principles
  • Fine Tuning (in preparation for The Stanford Enyclopedia of Philosophy)

Selected Presentations

  • Iteration and Fragmentation
    • American Philosophical Association
    • Eastern Division Symposium, December 2013
    • Rutgers Epistemology Conference, May 2013
    • University of Leeds, November 2012
    • University of Birmingham, November 2012
  • Could KK Be OK?
    • Oxford University, November 2012
    • University of Saint Andrews, November 2012
  • The Impossibility of Skepticism
    • Barnard College/Columbia University, February 2012
    • Yale University, January 2012
    • New York University, January 2012
    • University of Southern California, January 2012
    • Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference, July 2010 (Under title: “Skepticism, Belief, and the Impossiblity of Agnosticism.”)
  • Significance Testing in Theory and Practice
    • Formal Epistemology Workshop, June 2009

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