Ten Factors to Consider When Choosing a College

College is an essential rite of passage as you journey towards your professional goals. Yet, the college selection process can be tiring and stressful. Whether you search for alumni reviews online or take campus tours, the volume of information that you have to process is overwhelming. To simplify the process, here are ten major factors to consider. 1. Programs If you already have a career in mind, be sure to…

Why You Need to Have Health Insurance

Health crises such as heart disease are on the rise and so are medical costs. While the majority of Americans have health insurance, 30 million people of all ages remain uninsured, according to the National Centre for Health Statistics. If you belong to the 13.5 percent of the adult population that is still unprotected, here are some compelling reasons to consider securing health insurance as soon as possible. In Case…

Essential Gear for the Shooting Range

If you are planning to take your shooting hobby seriously, it is time to assemble a range bag. A range bag should house all the items that you may need on your shooting range trips. Having a dedicated range bag saves you the trouble of having to pack and unpack each time you head out to the range. It also allows you to keep all your shooting-related items in one…

What Defines Success as a University Student?

Success means different things to different people, and as a university student, you’ll need to figure out your personal take on success. Is it getting good grades? Landing a prestigious internship or a job with a corporate employer after graduation? Perhaps success to you is more about making a difference in the world, or earning enough money to enjoy the family life you envisage. There are many ways to measure success,…

The Car Maintenance You Are Probably Not Doing Regularly Enough

It’s a fact of life – cars need maintenance. And, just like anything else in life, if you don’t do it on a regular basis, it will eventually catch up with you. Unfortunately, many people neglect their car maintenance until it’s too late. This can lead to costly repairs and even engine failure. Here are some of the most important car maintenance tasks that you should be doing on a…

Can Your Home Ever Be Truly Clean?

When it comes to cleaning your home, there’s always more that can be done. Even if you think you’ve scrubbed every nook and cranny, chances are there are still some areas that could use a little more attention. And what about the dust bunnies under the bed? Or the cobwebs in the corners of the ceiling? Is your home ever really clean? Everyone is concerned about keeping their home to…

What Type of Property Should You Choose for Your First Home?

Buying your first home is an exciting milestone but there is so much to consider. There are a range of options to choose from depending on your budget, your life goals, and the current real estate market. Even if you do your homework, you can be stumped by the sheer number of choices. We compare the different types of property to help you choose your ideal first home. Starter Home…

How to determine the right career path

Selecting the right career path is rarely as simple as it seems to children. You’ll need to carefully consider countless factors – the job market and the overall job outlook, your passions and interests, preferred workplace environments and work-life balance, and more.  Considering that you’ll spend about a third of your life working, it’s essential to narrow down the list of the best career paths for you and start working…

5 Tips for Positive Parenting

Focusing on conversation and praising good behavior, rather than having strict rules and punishments, positive parenting is an increasingly popular way of raising children. So how do you integrate positive parenting into family life?  Although we associate stricter child rearing approaches with previous generations, the positive parenting philosophy was first created in the 1920s by the Austrian psychiatrists Alfred Adler and Rudolph Dreikurs. However, it only became more popular in…

Kenya: 9 Incredible Reasons to Visit This Amazing Country

Kenya is a country that is full of surprises. It’s an alluring place to visit, with plenty of things to see and do. If you’re looking for an adventure, you’ll find it in Kenya. Here are nine incredible reasons to visit this amazing country! Kenya is a country in East Africa, cocooned by an Indian Ocean coastline and dramatic mountain highlands. In the middle are vast expanses of savannah and…