I am a professor of political science at Yale University. My research and teaching focus on comparative politics, political economy, and formal political theory.
I have authored and co-authored articles on the politics of authoritarian regimes and democratization in leading political science journals, including the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, and the Journal of Politics. My book The Politics of Authoritarian Rule (Cambridge University Press, 2012) received the best book award from the Comparative Democratization Section of the American Political Science Association.
My current research includes projects on democratic backsliding, support for democracy, and electoral manipulation. My latest book project examines why ordinary people support politicians who undermine democracy.
Email: milan.svolik@yale.edu
Office: 330 Rosenkranz Hall (115 Prospect Street)
Mailing Address: Milan Svolik, Department of Political Science, Yale University, P.O. Box 208301, New Haven, CT 06520-8301
More Information: Curriculum Vitae, Google Scholar, SSRN, Yale Faculty Profile
Teaching: Formal Political Theory: Applications, Models of Politics, Democratization