Supplemental Activity #2

Eid Day

In-Class Activity Slides: These slides have questions that can be used to promote additional thinking about the stories. Pick the slides that work for your lesson and insert them directly into your class presentations. Note that the slides were created to be used for various student levels and classroom settings and that some questions target the same information but are structured with varied levels of complexity. You are not expected to use all of the slides, but to instead choose the ones that will work best for your students.

TItle Slide

Title Slide

Question Slide 1

Download Slide 1

Question Slide 2

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Question Slide 3

Download Slide 3

Question Slide 4

Download Slide 4

Question Slide 5

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Question Slide 6

Download Slide 6

Question Slide 7

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Question Slide 8

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Question Slide 9

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Question Slide 10

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Question Slide 11

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Question Slide 12

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Question Slide 13

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Question 14

Download Slide 14

Question Slide 15

Download Slide 15

Question 16

Download Slide 16

Question 17

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Question Slide 18

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Question Slide 19

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Question Slide 20

Download Slide 20

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