Book 1: Sara Reads Juha’s Anecdotes
In this book, we learn that Sara loves to borrow books from the library to read on the weekend. Her mother asks her if she has ever read “Juha’s Anecdotes,” and when she finds out that Sara has not read it, she tells her that it is about an imaginary character named Juha who tells stories about his life that are smart and funny. Sara decides to borrow the book from the library. She reads a story in which Juha rides his donkey from Iraq to the Levant. He arrives after his long journey and goes to sleep. When he wakes up, his donkey is gone. After looking for him, Juha concludes that the donkey is lost and that it’s a good thing that Juha was asleep, for if he’d been with the donkey, he too would have been lost.
سارة ونوادر جُحا
في هذا الكتاب، نتعلّم أنّ سارة تحب استعارة الكتب من المكتبة وتقراءها في عطلة نهاية الاسبوع. تسألها والدتها إنْ كانت قد قرأت “نوادر جحا” من قبل وعندما تكتشف أنّ سارة لم تقراءها، تخبرها أنّ الكتاب يدور حول حياة ومغامرات شخصية خيالية لرجلٍ اسمهُ “جحا” تتضمن حكايات عن حياته وهو انسان ذكي ودمه خفيف. تقرر سارة استعارة الكتاب من المكتبة. تقرأ قصة يركب فيها جحا حماره من العراق الى بلاد الشام. يصل بعد رحلة طويلة وينام. عندما يصحو لا يرى الحمار. بعد أنْ يحاول العثور على الحمار، يفهم أنّ الحمار ضاع وهذا أمرٌ جيد لأنّه لو كان مع الحمار لكان قد ضاع أيضا
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WizerMe worksheets
To access these worksheets, you will need a paid subscription to WizerMe.
Learning Objectives for Worksheet 1
- I can understand the main ideas and supporting details in a short story.
- I can understand some events in a short story.
Learning Objectives for Worksheet 2
- I can understand the main ideas and supporting details in a short story.
- I can understand some events in a short story.