Working Papers
“Holding Up Green Energy: Counterparty Risk in the Indian Solar Power Market”
Conditionally Accepted, Econometrica
[ Mimeo ] [ Cowles ] [ NBER ]
“Can Pollution Markets Work in Developing Countries? Experimental Evidence from India” (with Michael Greenstone, Rohini Pande and Anant Sudarshan)
Revise and Resubmit, Quarterly Journal of Economics
[ MIT Spectrum ] [ Mimeo ]
“Praying for Rain” (with José-Antonio Espín-Sánchez and Salvador Gil-Guirado)
[ NBER ] [ Mimeo ]
“Demand for Electricity on the Global Electrification Frontier” (with Robin Burgess, Michael Greenstone and Anant Sudarshan)
[ Mimeo ]
“Adverse Selection in Carbon Offset Markets: Evidence from the Clean Development Mechanism in China” (with Qiaoyi Chen and Daniel Xu)
[ Mimeo ]
“Energy Productivity and Energy Demand: Experimental Evidence from Indian Manufacturing Plants”
[ Mimeo ] [ NBER ]
“Targeting through Social Norms: Experimental Evidence from India’s \#GiveItUp Campaign” (with Prabhat Barnwal)
Accepted based on Pre-results Review, Journal of Development Economics
[ Registered report ]
Published and forthcoming papers
“Rationing the Commons” (with Anant Sudarshan)
Journal of Political Economy (2022), 130 (1): 210-257.
[ Published ] [ Mimeo ] [ Cowles ] [ NBER ] [ voxDev Summary ]
“The Competitive Effects of Transmission Infrastructure in the Indian Electricity Market.” American Economic Journal: Microeconomics (2021), 13 (2): 202-242.
[ Published ] [ Mimeo ]
“Contract Enforcement and Productive Efficiency: Evidence from the Bidding and Renegotiation of Power Procurement Contracts in India” Econometrica (2020), 88 (2): 383-424.
[ Published ] [ Cowles ] [ NBER ]
“The Consequences of Treating Electricity as a Right” (with Robin Burgess, Michael Greenstone and Anant Sudarshan). Journal of Economic Perspectives (2020), 34 (1): 145-169.
[ Published ]
“The Value of Discretion in the Enforcement of Regulation: Experimental Evidence and Structural Estimates from Environmental Inspections in India” (with Esther Duflo, Michael Greenstone and Rohini Pande). Econometrica (2018), 86 (6): 2123-2160.
[ Published ] [ NBER ] [ Microeconomic Insights ]
“A Tale of Two Runs: Depositor Responses to Bank Solvency Risk” (with Rajkamal Iyer and Manju Puri). Journal of Finance (2016), 71 (6): 2687-2726.
[ Published ] [ NBER ] [ SSRN ]
“Truth-telling by Third-party Auditors and the Response of Polluting Firms: Experimental Evidence from India” (with Esther Duflo, Michael Greenstone and Rohini Pande). Quarterly Journal of Economics (2013), 128 (4): 1499-1545.
[ Published ] [ NBER ] [ SSRN ]
“What Does Reputation Buy? Differentiation in a Market for Third-party Auditors” (with Esther Duflo, Michael Greenstone and Rohini Pande). American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings (2013), 103 (3): 314-319.
[ Published ]
Selected Research in Progress
“The Efficiency Costs of Distorted Electricity Tariffs: Evidence from Agricultural Power in Rajasthan” (with Anant Sudarshan)
“Lighting up Bihar: Electricity Rationing and the Public Good Nature of Electricity Supply” (with Robin Burgess, Michael Greenstone and Anant Sudarshan)