Early East Coast Networks





The glass work for many of the wooden casework is treated with a cotton product known as Pryalin. The cotton came fromĀ  the Southern states, it was then sent to be processed in New Jersey and later manufactured into Pryalin before being sent to industrial centers such as New Haven.






Glass work used for much of the crystals and decorative door panels for the clocks was produced in Pennsylvania and then shipped to Connecticut. The earliest glass and iron workers to Eastern Pennsylvania came from Sweden after an appeal was made the Scandinavian settlers to the King to send talented artisans to the New World. This changed after William Penn established the Free Society of Traders to establish trade and manufacturing networks to enrich the the economic position of the colony and utilizes it’s natural resources.



During the mid-19th century many Southern workers and industries did not like the fact that the North was able to industrialize much faster and produce goods atĀ  larger quantities and lower prices. Due to this, several laws were passed to ensure that only Southern made products could be sold within certain states. To get around this, the New Haven Clock Company would ship workers and clock parts to states such as Virginia where the clocks would be assembled and be marketed as Southern made clocks.




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