With profits made from the New Haven Clock Company the founder Chauncey Jerome donated money for the building of a Congregationalist Church during the mid 19th century on Wooster Square. Known as Jerome’s Church for several decades it unfortunately caught fire and burnt down after having been hit by lightning twice. It was soon rebuild and consecrated as a catholic church for the growing Italian commonality of New Haven under the name of St. Micheal’s which stands to this day.
Looking at the local networks the New Haven Clock Company facilitated was done in sequences. During the late 19th century and the early 20th century the factories would provide a job for life as well as develop community resources for its workers such as baseball teams, housing, shops and in this case a church.
During the mid 1800’s Chauncey Jerome became the Mayor of New Haven from 1854-55. During this time he entered in international politics by convincing the British delegation to the United States to lower the tariff on all American made clocks from 20% to 10% to be shipped to England and the subsequent British colonies of Canada and India.