Neuro-ophthalmology is becoming more popular than ever in our program, with two of our PGY4 residents, Rachel Calix and Bryce Buchowicz, pursuing neuro-ophthalmology fellowships next year. Bryce will be at Emory, and Rachel will be at NYU. They both were fortunate to be able to attend the 2019 NANOS conference in Neuro-ophthalmology in Las Vegas this past month, and Bryce was able to present two posters:
-Attitudes and Perceptions of Neurology Residents in the U.S. to Neuro-ophthalmologyÂ
Bryce surveyed neurology residents across the country to determine exposure to and attitudes towards neuro-ophthalmology as a subspecialty and found that the main contributing factor for not choosing this subspecialty is limited exposure early in training.
-Relative afferent pupillary defect with contralateral demyelinating midbrain lesion in a patient with Charcot’s Triad
Case report of a left relative afferent pupillary defect secondary to demyelinating lesions in the right optic tract and/or right dorsal midbrain.
Abstracts can be found here.