Anna DeForest, PGY2 Carries on the Legacy of Yale Neurons as Literary Masters!

Our program has seen a number of talented and accomplished poets and writers come through, and our very own Anna DeForest has picked up the torch this year. Anna was amongst a pool of very competitive applicants to attend an intensive two-day writing symposium sponsored by the Department of Medicine. She will be sharing her own writing and learning from her peers under the guidance of Dr. Anna Reisman, an accomplished author whose pieces can be found in the New York Times, Slate, Los Angeles Times, Discover Magazine, NEJM, JAMA, and Heath Affairs; and Lisa Sanders, the Diagnosis columnist for the New York Times Magazine, the author of the New York Times bestseller Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical Mysteries and the Art of Diagnosis, and current writer on a series of documentaries for Netflix.

What an incredible opportunity and honor. Congratulations, Anna! Don’t forget the little people when you become a famous writer!

Yale Neurons Seeking out Extracurricular Learning Opportunities

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Our residents are always traveling here and there in search of new, cool knowledge, from large societal conferences like AAN, AES and SFN to smaller conferences like NCS, AHS Annual Headache Conference, and Yale School of Medicine-Hosted Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Conference.


Tara Kimbrough and Justine Cormier, two of our PGY4’s attended the Neurocritical Care Society conference this September in Boca Raton, Florida. They attended a variety of talks and debates on a variety of topics such as current ethical issues in NCC, multimodal monitoring and critical care EEG, NORSE (new-onset refractory status epilepticus, TBI (traumatic brain injury), and international neurocritical care, to name a few. They also attending interactive workshops on airway and bronchoscopy and creating quality improvement projects in the ICU setting.


Chindhuri Selvadurai, PGY3 also attended a subspecialty conference this September, the Yale School of Medicine-Sponsored conference on Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders. Chindhuri attending many talks and workshops on various movement disorders and their varied treatments from medications to botox to deep brain stimulation. These talks were put on by both local faculty and visiting leaders in the field.,



Vanessa Cooper, PGY3, also recently attended the American Headache Society 60th Annual Conference in Philadelphia. She attended lectures on various headache and pain syndromes and their treatments, including cutting edge new treatments coming down the pipeline. She networked with leaders in the field and participated in an interactive botox and trigger point injection simulation.

Yale Neuro Residents Advancing the Knowledge of Our Collective Brain – Feat. Jens Witsch, PGY3!




Congratulations (AGAIN!) to Jens for being super productive in the last few months. The first is a teaching video in the Neurology, Vestibulo-ocular reflex defect in cerebellar stroke.

The second is a manuscript published in Stroke looking at new diagnosis of afib/aflutter in stroke patients and trying to parse out whether this represents a preexisting risk factor that led to stroke, an arrhythmia triggered by post-stroke autonomic dysfunction, or an incidental finding. Check it out to learn what they found: Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation in Patients With Recent Ischemic Stroke Versus Matched Controls.

Congrats on this impressive accomplishment, Jens!