By topic
Labor Markets and Job Search
- Measuring Employer-to-Employer Reallocation, with Shigeru Fujita and Fabien Postel-Vinay. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. July 2024. 16(3): 1-51 (Lead article).
Latest Dataset on EE and UE transitions in the CPS (also available from FRED).
Online Appendix, including additional material on the comparison between quits in the CPS and in the JOLTS.
Replication package with data, code and REAMDE file to impute missing EE transitions. -
On the Job Search and Business Cycles, with Fabien Postel-Vinay. January 2024. Revue Économique, special issue in honor of Jean-Marc Robin. 75(1), 73-112.
- The Cyclical Job Ladder, with Fabien Postel-Vinay. Annual Review of Economics, August 2018, 10:165-188.
Recall and Unemployment, with Shigeru Fujita. American Economic Review, December 2017, 102(7), 3875-3916. See also online Appendix and NBER WP 19640.
- The Relative Power of Employment-to-Employment Reallocation and Unemployment Exits in Predicting Wage Growth, with Fabien Postel-Vinay, American Economic Review, Papers
and Proceedings, May 2017, 107(5), 364-68.
- Wage Posting and Business Cycles, with Fabien Postel-Vinay, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, May 2016, 106(5), 208-213.
- Wage Posting and Business Cycles: a Quantitative Exploration, with Fabien Postel-Vinay. Review of Economic Dynamics, special issue in memory of Dale Mortensen, January 2016, (19), 135-160.
- Did the Job Ladder Fail After the Great Recession? with Fabien Postel-Vinay. Journal of Labor Economics, special issue on the NBER project “The Labor Market after the Great Recession”. January 2016, 34(S1), S55-S93
- Stochastic Search Equilibrium, with Fabien Postel-Vinay. Review of Economic Studies, October 2013, 80(4), 1545-1581. Web appendix with omitted proof. Previous versions circulated under the title “Non-Stationary Search Equilibrium”. See also Cowles Foundation DP 1754.
- The Contribution of Large and Small Employers to Job Creation in Times of High and Low Unemployment, with Fabien Postel-Vinay. American Economic Review, October 2012, 102(6), 2509-2539. See also NBER WP 14740.
- Rent Rigidity, Asymmetric Information, and Volatility Bounds in Labor Markets, with Björn Brügemann. Review of Economic Dynamics, July 2010, 13(3), 575-596.
- Unemployment and Small Cap Returns: The Nexus, with Fabien Postel-Vinay, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, May 2010, 100(2), 333-37.
- The Timing of Labor Market Expansions: New Facts and a New Hypothesis, with Fabien Postel-Vinay. 2008 NBER Macroeconomics Annual.
- Occupational and Job Mobility in the US, with Kaj Thomsson. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, special issue on Macroeconomic Fluctuations and the Labor Market, December 2007, 109(4), 807-836.
- Morale Hazard, with Hanming Fang. Journal of Monetary Economics, May 2005, 52(4), 749-778.
- Job Matching and the Wage Distribution. Econometrica, March 2005, 73(2), 481-516.
- Excess Worker Reallocation. Review of Economic Studies, July 2001, 69(3), 593-612.
.Price Stickiness, Monetary Policy
- Competence Implies Credibility, American Economic Review, March 2007, 97(1), 37-63.
- Limited Information Capacity as a Source of Inertia. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, September 2004, 28(10), 2003-2035.
Information Economics
- Competitive Experimentation with Private Information: the Survivor’s Curse with Francesco Squintani. Appendix with two parametric examples. Journal of Economic Theory, March 2010, 145(2), 639-660.
- The Demand for Information: More Heat than Light, with Jussi Keppo and Lones Smith. Journal of Economic Theory, January 2008, 138(1), 21-50.
- The Law of Large Demand for Information, with Lones Smith. Econometrica, November 2002, 70(6), 2351-2366.
- Price Competition for an Informed Buyer, with Marco Ottaviani. Journal of Economic Theory, December 2001, 101(2), 457-493.
- The Optimal Level of Experimentation, with Lones Smith. Econometrica, November 2001, 69(6), 1629-1644. An early draft, containing many proofs and extensions, is:
- Wald Revisited: The Optimal Level of Experimentation, Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper No. 1176.
- Social Learning in a Changing World, with Marco Ottaviani and Lones Smith. Economic Theory, March 1998, 11(2), 657-665.