Ecumenism and other writing

MONOTHEISM AND FORGIVENESS (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022) Elements Monotheism Series, Chad Meister and Paul K. Moser eds.

Book Sections

S. Mark Heim and Gary Strichartz, Chapter 38 “Christian Beliefs and Practices about Pain, Suffering and Death,” Part Five, “Cancer Pain and Palliative Care,” in Edgar Ross ed., COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF PAIN MEDICINE. Oakstone Publishing/CMEinfo, 2020. An electronic continuing medical education course.

“The Aim of Communion and the End of Suffering: Christian Faith and the Dialogue of Human Need,” in Terrence Merrigan and Frederik Glorieux eds., “GODHEAD HERE IN HIDING:” INCARNATION AND THE HISTORY OF HUMAN SUFFERING (Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters, 2012)

“Baptism and Christian Initiation in Ecclesiological Perspective,” in Thomas Best and Tamara Grdzelidze eds., BEM AT 25: CRITICAL INSIGHTS INTO A CONTINUING LEGACY (Geneva: WCC, 2007)

“Belonging to the Laity: A Baptist Perspective,” in Stephen Pope ed., COMMON CALLING: THE LAITY AND THE GOVERNANCE OF THE CHURCH, (Washington: Georgetown University Press, 2004)

Co-editor of special edition of the AMERICAN BAPTIST QUARTERLY, commemorating the 200th anniversary of the Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society. AMERICAN BAPTIST QUARTERLY, March, 2002 (XXI, 1)

“Renewing Ways of Life: The Shape of Theological Education,” in Rodney Petersen ed., THEOLOGICAL LITERACY FOR THE 21st CENTURY (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002)

“Baptismal Recognition and the Baptist Churches” in Michael Root and Risto Saarinen eds., BAPTISM AND THE UNITY OF THE CHURCH (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998)

“The Pilgrim Christ: Some Reflections on Theocentric Christology and Inculturation,” in Somen Das ed., CHRISTIAN FAITH AND MULTIFORM CULTURE IN INDIA (Bangalore: United Theological College, 1987).


“Paths to Wholeness: Comparative Theology and the Ecumenical Project,” JOURNAL OF ECUMENICAL STUDIES 55 (2), 2020

“Religion in the Perspective of ‘Big History’,” (review article on Robert Bellah, RELIGION IN HUMAN EVOLUTION: FROM THE PALEOLITHIC TO THE AXIAL AGE), in HARVARD THEOLOGICAL REVIEW 107:1, January, 2014 , pp. 114-126.

“Fervent and Open,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY (January 9, 2013), pp. 30-34.

“Mission Studies in an Age of Religious Pluralism,” in BTI MAGAZINE 11.2, Spring, 2012, pp. 12, 18-23.

Theological Themes on Isaiah 50:4-9a and Psalm 4 in LECTIONARY HOMILETICS 23 (3), May, 2012, pp. 2, 26.

“Witness to Communion: A Trinitarian Perspective on Mission and Religious Pluralism,” MISSIOLOGY, XXXIII (April, 2005), pp. 192-199.

“Salvation as Communion,” THEOLOGY TODAY, 61 (2004), pp. 322-333.

“Malaysian Model: A Different Kind of Islamic State,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY (October 5, 2004), pp. 30-33.

“A Faith Worthy of Doubt,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY (June 29, 2004), pp. 30-31.

“Something To Declare: Checkpoint for Christian Unity,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY (115 ) 1998, pp. 1174-1175.

“Evangelism: Light Shining Out, Light Shining In,” TODAY’S MINISTRY (XVI, 2), pp. 2-4, 15.

“Unity in Fullness: A Reflection on the Theme for the Eighth Assembly of the World Council of Churches,” ECUMENICAL REVIEW Volume 50 Number 2 (April, 1998) pp. 149-156.

“Expanding the Ecumenical Dream,” DIALOG (36, #2) 1997 pp. 142-143.

“Dialogue and Community: Teaching the Bible and Christian Classics in Relation to Western Tradition,” JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES, EAST/WEST, 18 (December 1998) pp. 19-44.

“Old Paths, New Pilgrims: Spirituality and Interreligious Dialogue,” AMERICAN BAPTIST QUARTERLY 16 (1997), pp. 28-36.

“What is the Church?” CHRISTIAN CENTURY (113) 1996, pp. 1000-1002.

“The Next Ecumenical Movement,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY (113) 1996, pp. 780-783.

“Reforming Words of Life,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY (113) 1996, pp. 131-132.

“God’s Long Shot in the Inner City,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY (112) 1995, pp. 680-682

“Improving Our Gifts: Ordination in Baptist Perspective,” AMERICAN BAPTIST QUARTERLY, September, 1995

“Bible Study on Matthew 23:27-39,” CURRENT DIALOGUE, (26) June, 1994, pp. 63-66.

“Fifth World Conference on Faith and Order,” PRISM, Volume 8 #2, Fall, 1993.

“The Omegas and the Alpha: World With an End,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY, (110) 1993, pp. 561-563.

“Talking on the Truce Line: Southern Baptists in Dialogue,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY, (110) 1993, pp. 402-404.

“Montreal to Compostela: Pilgrimage in Ecumenical Winter,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY, (109) 1992,pp. 333-335.

“Mapping Globalization For Theological Education,” THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION XXVI, Supplement 1 (Spring, 1990), pp. 7-34.

“The WCC Faith and Order Plenary Session in Budapest,” ECUMENICAL TRENDS, 19 (1990), pp. 10-12.

“Without Czars or Commissars: Church and Nation in Russia,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY, (107) 1990, pp. 909-911.

“Mapping Globalization For Theological Education,” THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION XXVI, Supplement 1 (Spring, 1990), pp. 7-34.

“Mission and Dialogue: 50 Years After Tambaram,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY, (105) 1988, pp. 340-343.

“American Baptists: A People of Faith,” THE AMERICAN BAPTIST, November/December 1987, pp. 10-13.

“The Meaning of Doctrine and the Development of Asian Theology,” BANGALORE THEOLOGICAL FORUM, Volume 19 #1, January-April, 1987, pp. 14-32.

“Modes and Levels of Confession: A Protestant Perspective on `Basic Differences’,” MID-STREAM, 25 (1986), pp. 287-298. Reprinted in Charles L. Holland Jr. ed., CHRISTIANITY FOR TOMORROW (np: Biblical Studies Association, 1991), pp. 87-100.

“The Holy Spirit Consultation, An Introduction,” THE GREEK ORTHODOX THEOLOGICAL REVIEW, 31 (1986), pp. 231-234.

“Christ in Particular,” MASIHI SEVAK, Vol. XI (Numbers 3&4), pp. 34-39.

“Religious Extremism and Hindu Ecumenism,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY, 103 (1986), pp. 1177-1180.

“Struggle Toward Peace in Sri Lanka,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY”, 103 (1986), pp. 766-767.

“BEM Finds Favor with American Churches,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY, 103 (1986), pp. 476-477.

“Challenged to Confess: Can Baptists Cope with Ecumenical Progress?” AMERICAN BAPTIST QUARTERLY, 4 (1986), pp. 327-339.

“A Protestant Perspective on `Basic Differences’,” ECUMENICAL TRENDS, 15 (March, 1986), pp. 41-43.

“Baptism,” in A STUDY GUIDE FOR BAPTISM, EUCHARIST AND MINISTRY, Genna Rae McNeil and George Younger eds., (Philadelphia: American Baptist Churches in the USA, 1986).

“Choosing Roots: The Contexts for Christian Theology in India,” THIS WORLD, 21 (1988), pp. 88-101.

“The Meaning of Doctrine and the Development of Asian Theology,” BANGALORE THEOLOGICAL FORUM, Volume 19 #1, January-April, 1987, pp. 14-32.


“Challenged to Confess: Can Baptists Cope with Ecumenical Progress?” AMERICAN BAPTIST QUARTERLY, 4 (1986), pp. 327-339.

“Modes and Levels of Confession: A Protestant Perspective on `Basic Differences’,” MID-STREAM, 25 (1986), pp. 287-298. Reprinted in Charles L. Holland Jr. ed., CHRISTIANITY FOR TOMORROW (np: Biblical Studies Association, 1991), pp. 87-100.

“Prodigal Sons: D.C. Macintosh and the Brothers Niebuhr,” JOURNAL OF RELIGION, 65 (1985), pp. 336-358.

“The Path of a Liberal Pilgrim: A Theological Biography of D.C. Macintosh,” Part One, AMERICAN BAPTIST QUARTERLY, 2 (1983), pp. 236-255; Part Two, 4 (1985), pp. 300-320.

“Missed Opportunities: Ministry of the Laity and BAPTISM, EUCHARIST AND MINISTRY,” LAITY EXCHANGE, June, 1985.

“ABC Meets,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY, 102 (1985), p. 673.

“Gender, Creed and a Common Faith,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY, 102 (1985), pp. 379-381.

“The Sermon on the Mount: Ethic and Ethos,” BANGALORE THEOLOGICAL FORUM, Volume 17 #1, January-March 1985, pp. 65-82.

“Ethics in Evangelism,” Evangelism Monograph #4, GOOD NEWS (American Baptist Evangelism Newsletter), Volume 4 #2, September, 1984.

“A Response to Max Stackhouse’s `An Ecumenist’s Plea for a Public Theology’,” THIS WORLD, 8 (1984), pp. 80-87.

“Baptists in the Middle,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY, 101 (1984), pp. 326-327.

“Reforming and Renewing the Church After Vancouver: A Baptist View,” ECUMENICAL TRENDS, 13 (1984), pp. 38-40.

“Recruiting the Radical Middle,” THEOLOGY TODAY, 39 (1983), pp. 412-417.

“A Memory of the Magi,” THE BOSTON GLOBE MAGAZINE, December 23, 1979.

“The Powers of God: Calvin and Late Medieval Thought,” ANDOVER NEWTON QUARTERLY, 19 (1979), pp. 156-166. Reprinted in Richard C. Gamble ed., ARTICLES ON CALVIN AND CALVINISM, (New York: Garland Publishing, 1991).

“American Baptist–Roman Catholic Dialog: A Prospective Review,” FOUNDATIONS, 21 (1978), pp.50-70.