Religious Pluralism

Salvations: Truth and Difference in Religion (Faith Meets Faith Series): Heim, Mark, Heim, S. Mark: 9781570750403: Books

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The Depth of the Riches: A Trinitarian Theology of Religious Ends (Sacra Doctrina: Christian Theology for a Postmodern Age): Heim, Mr. Mark S.: 9780802826695: Books


MONOTHEISM AND FORGIVENESS, in the Elements series on Monotheism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022]

Winner of the Theologos Award Best Book in Theology 2001


IS CHRIST THE ONLY WAY?  (Philadelphia: Judson Press, 1985)

Articles and book sections on Religious Pluralism

“The Pluralism of Religious Ends: Many Dreams Fulfilled” Christian Century

“A Trinitarian View of Religious Pluralism”   Christian Century.

“Religious Pluralism, Religious Freedom, and Christianity,” in Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan and Carla M. Zoethout eds., RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND RELIGIOUS PLURALISM (Leiden :Brill, 2022)

“Barth’s Dreams: Religions as Scandal and Parable,” concluding chapter in Martha Moore-Keish and Christian Winn eds., KARL BARTH IN DIALOGUE WITH OTHER RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS: BARTH AND COMPARATIVE THEOLOGY (New York: Fordham University Press, 2019)

“Christian Accounts of Religious Diversity,” in Kevin Schilbrack ed., THE BLACKWELL COMPANION TO RELIGIOUS DIVERSITY (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2019)

“The Scriptural Basis for Interfaith Relations,” in REVIEW AND EXPOSITOR (February 2017),  Special Issue “Interfaith Relations and the Christian Disciple: Living With Others in the Way of Jesus,” pp. 63-70.

“Diverse Religious Experiences and First Order Religious Beliefs: A Response to Branden Thornhill-Miller, Peter Millican and Janusz Salamon,” in EUROPEAN JOURNAL FOR PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION, 8 (3), 2016, pp. 237-255.

“Saved by Islam? Michel Houellebecq’s Francophobia,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY (October 28, 2015), pp. 33-36.

“Where Ways Meet: Theological Reflections on Multiple Religious Participation,” in Peniel Jesudason Rufus Rajkumar and Joseph Prabakhar Dayam eds., MANY YET ONE?: MULTIPLE RELIGIOUS BELONGING—EXPLORING HYBRIDITY, EMBRACING HOSPITALITY (Geneva: World Council of Churches, 2016)

“On Doing What Others Do: Intentions and Intuitions in Multiple Religious Practice,” in Marianne Moyaert ed., RITUAL PARTICIPATION AND INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE: BOUNDARIES, TRANSGRESSIONS AND INNOVATIONS (London/New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015)

“The Shifting Significance of Theologies of Religious Pluralism,” in Peter C. Phan and Jonathan S. Ray eds., UNDERSTANDING RELIGIOUS PLURALISM: PERSPECTIVES FROM RELIGIOUS STUDIES AND THEOLOGY (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2014) pp. 242-259.

“No Other Name: The Gospel and True Religions,” in Robert B. Stewart ed., CAN ONLY ONE RELIGION BE TRUE? (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2013)

“Otherness and Wonder: A Christian Experiences Moksha,” in Jennifer Howe Peace, Or N. Rose and Gergory Mobley eds., MY NEIGHBOR’S FAITH: STORIES OF INTERRELIGIOUS ENCOUNTER, GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATION (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis, 2012)

“Differential Pluralism and Trinitarian Theologies of Religion,” in Christopher Boesel ed., TRINITIES AND DIVERSITIES (New York: Fordham University Press, 2012)

“Mission Studies in an Age of Religious Pluralism,” in BTI MAGAZINE 11.2, Spring, 2012, pp. 12, 18-23.

“Interfaith Relations and the Dialogue of Human Need,” in Scott Paeth and Deidre Hainsworth eds., PUBLIC THEOLOGY FOR A GLOBAL SOCIETY: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF MAX STACKHOUSE (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010)

“The Next Thing to Dialogue,” with Edith Howe,  JOURNAL OF ECUMENICAL STUDIES  43 (2), 2008, pp. 47-60.

“Christianity and Islam: Two Kinds of Difference,” REVIEW AND EXPOSITOR 105 (1), 2008, pp. 27-38.

“Witness to Difference: Mission and the Religions in Post-Pluralist Perspective,” in Max Stackhouse and Lalsangkima Pachuau eds., NEWS OF BOUNDLESS RICHES: INTERROGATING, COMPARING AND RECONSTRUCTING MISSION IN A GLOBAL ERA, Volume One (Delhi: ISPCK/UTC/CTI, 2007)

“The Trinity and Buddhism: A Perspective on Christian Mission and Buddhist Mission,” in Max Stackhouse and Lalsangkima Pachuau eds., NEWS OF BOUNDLESS RICHES: INTERROGATING, COMPARING AND RECONSTRUCTING MISSION IN A GLOBAL ERA, Volume One (Delhi: ISPCK/UTC/CTI, 2007)

“Faith in Particulars: Religious Experience and Multiple Religious Practice,” in Joseph George, ed., THE GOD OF ALL GRACE: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF ORIGEN VASANTHA JATHANNA (Bangalore: Asian Trading Company, 2005)

“Sharing Our Differences: Koinonia and the Theology of Religious Plurality,” Plenary Address from the World Conference on Faith and Order, in Thomas F. Best ed., FAITH AND ORDER AT THE CROSSROADS: Kuala Lumpur 2004. (Faith and Order Paper 196) Report of the Plenary meeting of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches (Geneva: WCC Publications, 2005).

“Witness to Communion: A Trinitarian Perspective on Mission and Religious Pluralism,” MISSIOLOGY, XXXIII (April, 2005), pp. 192-199.

“Many True Religions, And Each An Only Way: The Diversity of Religious Ends,” ARS DISPUTANDI, The Online Journal of Philosophy and Religion. [] 3 (2003).

“Revelation by Translation: Mission and Religious Pluralism,” in Israel Selvanayagam ed., MOVING FORMS OF THEOLOGY: FAITH TALK’S CHANGING CONTEXTS (Delhi:ISPCK, 2002)

“A Protestant Reflection on Ecumenism and Interfaith Issues in Dominus Iesus,” in Charles Hefling and Stephen Pope eds., SIC ET NON: ENCOUNTERING DOMINUS IESUS (New York: Crossroad, 2002)

“The Depth of the Riches: Trinity and Religious Ends,” MODERN THEOLOGY (17) 2001, pp. 21-55.

“Saving the Particulars: Religious Experience and Religious Ends,”  RELIGIOUS STUDIES, 36 (2000),  pp.. 435-453.

“Old Paths, New Pilgrims: Spirituality and Interreligious Dialogue,” AMERICAN BAPTIST QUARTERLY 16 (1997),  pp. 28-36.

“Orientational Pluralism in Religion,” FAITH AND PHILOSOPHY  Volume 13 Number 2 (April 1997), p. 201-215.

“Salvations: A More Pluralistic Hypothesis,” MODERN THEOLOGY, (10) 1994, pp. 341-360

“Pluralism and the Otherness of World Religions,” FIRST THINGS, August/September, 1992, pp. 29-35.

“The Pluralistic Hypothesis, Realism and Post-Eschatology,” RELIGIOUS STUDIES, (28) 1992, pp. 207-

“Pluralism and the Otherness of World Religions,” FIRST THINGS, August/September, 1992, pp. 29-35.

“Pluralisms: Towards a Theological Framework for Religious Diversity,” INSIGHTS, (107) 1991, pp. 17-26.

“Crisscrossing the Rubicon: Reconsidering Religious Pluralism,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY, (108) 1991, pp. 688-690.

“The Pilgrim Christ: Some Reflections on Theocentric Christology and Inculturation,” in Somen Das ed., CHRISTIAN FAITH AND MULTIFORM CULTURE IN INDIA (Bangalore: United Theological College, 1987).

“Thinking About Theocentric Christology,” JOURNAL OF ECUMENICAL STUDIES, 24 (1), 1987, pp. 1-16. With responses following from John Cobb, Carl Braaten, Elouise Fraser, Kosuke Koyama, Thomas Dean and Paul Knitter. Reprinted in Melville Y. Stewart ed., PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: AN ANTHOLOGY OF CONTEMPORARY VIEWS (Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 1996) pp. 713-726. Editions in Chinese (edited by Zang Zhi-Gang, Don Alexander and Melville Stewart) and Russian (edited by Yuri Kimilev and Melville Stewart). Also reprinted in William R. Barr ed., CONSTRUCTIVE CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY IN THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1997) pp. 302-317.

“The Meaning of Doctrine and the Development of Asian Theology,” BANGALORE THEOLOGICAL FORUM, Volume 19 #1, January-April, 1987, pp. 14-32.

“Christ in Particular,” MASIHI SEVAK, Vol. XI (Numbers 3&4), pp. 34-39.

“Religious Extremism and Hindu Ecumenism,” CHRISTIAN CENTURY, 103 (1986), pp. 1177-1180.

“Sammelrezension: Eine Weite in Gottes Barmherzigkeit. Evangelikale Theologie uberdenkt religiosen pluralismus,” DIALOG DER RELIGIONEN, I-95, pp. 67-76.