Hymn “No More of This”

Heim No More of This Enlarged print

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Words by S. Mark Heim


Any user of this site has permission to use the words to the hymn for the purpose of worship, including in a congregational service where an offering may be taken. This does not imply any permission for commercial recording or for commercial performance of the words. The author has no rights to the tune “Divernon” and no permission for its use is suggested.

  No More of This 

Then one of them struck the slave of the high priest and cut off his right ear. But Jesus said, “No more of this!”          —    Luke 22:50-51


Our ancient curse, we could not see,

Making our peace in crowds of violent harmony.

For thus since Eden’s fall

Victims unite us all

No more of this, No more of this, Remember me.


So Satan’s rule made doubly sure,

Who sows our discord and in turn its bitter cure.

For every hopeless strife

Some scapegoat pays the price:

No more of this, No more of this, Remember me.


When guilt’s assigned, and lots are cast,

No one is safe, either among the first or last.

Look in the victim’s face.

We could be in that place:

No more of this, No more of this, Remember me.



Around the cross, we join the throng,

Whether from hatred or from fear, the common wrong.

This reconciling way

Has endless cost to pay:

No more of this, No more of this, Remember me.


At table late, he broke the bread

And told us in your need you shall do this instead.

For mercy needs no blood,

God is a God of love:

No more of this, No more of this, Begin anew


In upper room, he took the wine,

Poured out his death to show all victim’s blood is thine.

My peace I leave to you,

Not as you’ve learned to do:

No more of this, No more of this, Begin anew



Like Isaac saved from sacrifice,

The Lord is risen from the dead with words of life.

The cross that should not be,

Reversed by God’s decree:

No more of this, No more of this, Remember me.


At altars bare, we live this claim

To substitute the Spirit’s grace for blood exchange,

To keep an empty cross,

With no betrayer’s kiss:

Christ took our place, Christ bore this sin, No more of this.

Come take the bread, Come drink the cup, No more of this.