Week 20: Why Korea University?

20 weeks. That’s 140 days, which is 3,360 hours, otherwise known as 201,600 minutes. I cannot even count up to 140, let alone 201,600. The longest I have been away from home up to this point is 23 weeks for research last summer plus my…

Week 18: Smart Zones

Let’s get science-y! So like before Yale I had a pretty faint idea on what research was like. Unlike a good number of my peers, I did have the fortune of many resources where I went to high school to pursue any research as an…

Week 2: Changing Pace

I haven’t been fully honest with you. Yes, I am at a Korean university learning Korean. Yet, everyday feels like I’m breaking an unspoken moral code by not only studying at an all-girl, Christian university, but I also live in 이화여자대학교 (Ewha Womans University). To reconcile…