Week 61: The TASC Ahead

Hey folks, I would like to first thank you guys for reading my rants, reflections, and regrets throughout this entire experience. I know I can really be an asshole but I would say I had a pinch of golden moments. Although I am very eager…

Hideout in Manila

In order to resolve my visa issues, I had to escape the South Korea for a bit to regain my visa-free status as a US citizen. Getting out of the country was a little bit of a nuisance but not too much trouble since I…

Summer Jammin', Singapore Remix

Day 1… Actually f*** that, let’s just go through everything in a sprint. Red-eye via a cheap Singapore Airlines roundtrip with a spare seat and Academy Award-nominated new releases all ready to watch. You could say my flight in was pretty comfy. (Likewise for my…

At The End

Night 19 It actually took forever to get to Hanoi because of a layover in Bangkok and the fact that Noi Bai International Airport is like 2 hours from the Old Quarter. Although a got a döner to keep me happy, initial impressions of Hanoi…

Feeling Chiang Rai

Night 17 Dude, if you ever want to go on a date somewhere nice and quaint in Thailand, Chiang Rai is it. It reminded of those super quaint areas in SoCal lit with Christmas lights and a bunch of young artists singing some tunes next…

Mai Oh Mai

Day 16 I got sick. Day 17 Yale Health gave me magical drugs before I left for Asia and they served their use very well at this point in time. I was back on my feet and actually getting hungry. Thank you, science. As a…

The Burmese Platter

You may have noticed unlike my other blogs, I barely talked about food in my Burmese posts. Well since it was my only consistent country stay, I decided it would be best to parse that portion of the adventure into its own blog post. Here…

Mandalay and Out

Day 14 Getting in from Bagan actually took much longer than expected. The taxi driver from the bus stop to our guesthouse was also definitely screwing us over for some extra kyat. However, our hostel itself doubled as an art studio and music school so…

Biking in Bagan

Day 13 We came in overnight with JJ Express and I have to say, best damn bus service I’ve had in a while. The seas were super plush, blanket, pillows, snacks, water, wifi, and outlets were provided. Although I’m not a fan of air conditioning,…

Rangoonin' Around

Day 11 Despite the hell that was traffic the previous night in Bangkok, Miriam managed to get into the Hua Mak area where I was staying. We got up around 7 to get our things ready for Myanmar. We managed to get to the airport…