Flipping the Medical Math Classroom

Hemant Tagare and Ken Panko
April 5 at CSSSI

Hemant Tagare, Associate Professor of Diagnostic Radiology, Electrical Engineering & Biomedical Engineering, will demonstrate the creative approach he is taking to address math preparedness in his graduate level math course. He will share how he identified the foundational learning objectives to address online, how he organized the content, and the learning process he personally went through in producing the learning materials.

Ken Panko, Director of the Center for Media and Instructional Innovation, will introduce the concept of the flipped classroom more generally and talk about the technology and support options ITS is working on to help instructors who are interested in this teaching practice.

Technology has solved problems in all fields from transportation to entertainment. In the educational sector, new, technology-assisted ways of teaching have begun tackling problems such as over-crowding in classrooms, limited educational reach, and efficient use of classroom time. Professor Hemant Tagare has attempted to tackle the latter problem of efficient usage of class time by creating a series of introductory lectures that covers the background behind a course. Tagare has developed this method in his graduate, biomedical engineering course called ENAS 913: Probability and Estimation Theory for Image Analysis. ENAS 913 requires a breadth of mathematical knowledge most of which is covered during the first month of class. Unfortunately, this leaves less time for the core of the course, which applies mathematical tools to biomedical engineering. Tagare approached the problem through a few different methods, including narrated slides, a guide through annotated notes, and video of actual handwriting to guide students through the material. In this LuxTalk, Tagare outlines the organic process he went through to fine tune his approach and the effects he saw after supplementing his class with multimedia.

For full coverage of this session, please click the video below