Teaching and Learning by Making

Teaching and Learning by Making at the CEID

Where: CEID, 15 Prospect St.
When: Friday, November 1st; 11.30a for the food, 12p for the talk

Our November 1 LuxTalk at the Center for Engineering, Innovation, and Design will feature lunch at 11.30a and a talk at noon on “Teaching and Learning by Making”. Ellen Su, TD ’13 and postgraduate associate with the School of Engineering and Applied Science, will lead a tour of the CEID and discuss collaborations between the School of Engineering and other departments.

The Center for Engineering, Innovation, and Design is a space for people to design, build, create, and innovate. It gives students access to a variety of tools: anything from hammers and saws to 3D printers and laser cutters. The space is open to students, faculty, and staff at Yale University, and sees use from student groups (Design for America, Engineers without Borders, Yale Undergraduate Aerospace Association, Bulldogs Racing, etc.), courses in several departments (Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Environmental Studies, Art), and students from all across the university. The CEID is also home to two courses: the senior Mechanical Engineering capstone course and Medical Device Design and Innovation. Some our recent projects are related to 3D printing body parts from MRI scans for use in medical applications. The parts are printed for patients who have upcoming surgeries as a way to help the surgeon visualize the area more concretely, as well as a way to help the patients understand what is happening in their treatment.

The Center for Engineering, Innovation, and Design has expanded the maker community on campus since its opening in 2012. The CEID empowers its members to improve human lives through the advancement of technology. It aspires to launch high-impact projects and develop visionary leaders by bringing together people from diverse backgrounds and giving them resources to learn, create, and share.

Please join us on Friday, November 1, at the Center for Engineering, Innovation, and Design for lunch and a conversation on the CEID’s unique role in Yale teaching and learning.

Information on more LuxTalks to come.

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